Bully Goats Rough: The Culling

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

It has begun...

And what has begun can not be stopped until all is accomplished...


For a little back ground on these meat-sacks, check out my previous post Bully Goats Rough: the saga continues.

Trust me, these Bully-Goats have been free-loading on me long enough and deserve to be re-purposed as tasty Gyros!

The Actors: @bluerthangreen, @papa-pepper, some @little-peppers and some that are @alittlebluer.

Oh, yeah, and Blotchy, the culled goat to be.


A little hot chocolate with marshmallows to keep our little helpers warm on an unusually cold Winter afternoon in the Ozarks of Arkansas. Temps were right around 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Not too bad, coming from the Frozen Tundra of Wisconsin, but too cold for my liking.



Blotchy just received a 45 caliber slug into his cranium. Papa-Pepper is about to slit the goats throat.



We began on the hind legs, cutting through the skin all the way around, just below where the tendon meets the leg bone. That crotch is a convenient place to hook the animal in order to hang it. We then cut through the leg and snap it off cleanly, severing the hooves from the carcass.

After the carcass is hoisted up by the tow straps and hung from a sturdy limb, we began to peel the hide away from the body with one hand and with the other we carefully cut any sheen or connective tissue that was stubbornly holding it on. It's sort of like peeling tape off a package and using an Exacto-knife to cut away any remaining glue residue.


After the carcass was completely skinned, we emptied the contents of the gut cavity into a bucket, cleverly nicknamed the "gut bucket." Papa-Pepper briefly showed off the lungs before chucking them to the nearby pigs. Waste not, want not on the homestead. Every part will be used, either by us humans, or by the pigs, ducks, or dogs.




In the future, I'm going to invest in an electric winch. Tow straps work in a pinch, but it usually takes two guys and several adjustments to get the carcass to the right hanging height.


The finished job! All done in a little over 1 hour. Not bad, considering Papa-Pepper is a novice and I am a complete noob, having never slaughtered anything bigger than a chicken before.


Here on the Bluer Than Green Homestead, also known as the All For The Good Homestead, we like to wear goat heads for hats after each culling.

It's sort of a macabre tradition, but it sure makes for some creepy, I mean really creepy pictures.





You have to admit it, there is something creepy about goat heads to begin with.

You add the split skull, The Hills Have Eyes deformity look, with being placed on top of human torsos and the creepy factor goes up about 1000x.

In all seriousness,

the skull was sawzalled open so that @papa-pepper could harvest the tiny goat brain. He wants to learn how to use the brain to tan my hide, my goat hide, that is. I'm sure he'll make a riveting post about it in the near future.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope you weren't too grossed out by the images. Actually, I kind of am, since a little grossness was the feel I was aiming for. You know what they say? "All work and no sadistic play makes life a little boring."

Or something like that...


BLUER-closing-3 (1).jpg

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Awesome! Way to get the young ones involved. Used to be common knowledge, but sadly, these days most kids think meat comes from Walmart. Love your post!!

Thanks kindly. I think one of the downfalls of our modern society is the disconnect between where our food comes from and our daily lives. I believe that we humans live outside our natural habitat when we live in cities.

100% agreement on that!! Keep up the good livin' <3

Just showing the "Reality" of being connected with the animals that feed your family.

Yup! Everything has it's place and purpose.

The largest animal I have ever cleaned was a squirrel. It took me almost an hour. I don't think I'm ready for a goat, but I'm working on it!

Great pics by the way.

Papa-pepper did all the hard cutting, i.e. around the butt hole and intestines, but the rest was pretty straight forward. You can do it!

Super gross, super creepy. You have more guts then I do. Although I have more guts than that goat does right now.

Tru dat, Tru dat!

Also, if you ever make it over here I'll treat you to some Gyros, bluerthangreen style!

What a great lesson for the kids, they can now see where their meat comes from. In a couple of years they will be able to tell you when you have cut in the wrong place.an electric hoist will be a great advantage when hoisting get.
Do goats have 'archillies' tendon at the bottom of their rear legs?
A very flat with, with points on the ends to pierce that part of the leg, a loop in the centre to attach to the hoist, cut from the head to the rear legs, ask the old teacher, he probably has one to copy.

I think they do. We definitely hooked through the main tendon back there, but not sure if it' an Achilles.

That will be the one, I am prepared to be corrected on its name.
You threw me by saying crotch,
If the old teacher hasn't got a hanging hook to copy I will try and get a picture or two of it, it makes life so much easier.
Will come in handy for the pigs as well.

I like the way you involve the kids in everything. They need to know where their food comes from. Most kids today believe that their food comes in neat little packages from the super market.

Hmmmmmmmm... I think I am seeing a post come together... Featuring @bluerthangreen! Whata ole goat... Lol