2 Minutes with the Farmer: The Missing Billy Goat?!?!?!

in homesteading •  6 years ago 

Today on 2 Minutes with the Farmer we are looking for the missing billy goat. This morning when checking the male goats we could not find the biggest billy goat. Turns out he crossed 6 fences and covered over a mile to get to the lady goats. If you want to hear the whole story you will have to watch the video.

Thank you for spending 2 minutes with me!

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He is big! lol
Looks pretty tough too.

He is the Boss!!

fun was two minutes


I am happy BlackBeard is safe, but I bet he is happier, lol

He is the happiest goat on the Farm;)


108:1!!! Those are some seriously good odds for for Blackbeard…! I’ll bet he is one happy Billy… he’s going to get his cardio also...

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He is definitely getting a work out;)

Blackbeard is a very cheeky fellow, our billy goat never stayed where he was supposed to either, that's another reason he had to go and we switched to pigs and cattle. :D
I'm glad he was safely on your property and didn't get hurt making his way over to the ladies. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Thank you so much. This is the first time we have had one escape like this. He was a very determined fellow;)

You're very welcome. :D
I can see why, there are a lot of lovely ladies for him to get acquainted with in that pasture. :D Hopefully he'll do a great job and you'll have a lot of his kids in the spring. :D

Oh my gosh ahahaha XD Blackbeard, he is a man who knows what he wants and goes for it, no matter what is standing in his way! x'D Im happy he is safe and sound!

100 ladies for himself? His new nickname will be black balls at the end of this :D

haha! thats funny sir Farmer..how did he get through the fences did he jump them?