Why Would Any Sane Person Want to Farm or Homestead? That was the question that I was asked!!!

in homesteading •  7 years ago 


I had a coworker from my old life as an office worker ask me that question. Why would any sane person want to give up:

-A good paying job
-Work security
-Five week’s paid vacation a year
-Half way to being eligible for full retirement
-40 hour work week

To become a full time farmer/homesteader? Those where the questions I got asked a lot when what seemed like out of the blue five years ago I gave up “the American Dream” job to become a full time farmer.

To be perfectly honest, when I quit I really didn’t fully understand all that I was getting my family into. I just knew that the suburban office working 9 to 5 job was not for us. I knew that I wanted more for my kids than to grow up in a big house with computer games and tv being the majority of what they spent their time doing. I wanted to work the land and earn a living from doing something I loved. I wanted to wake up and not dread going to the office and feeling like I was in jail for 8 hours a day with no escape. I am not sure you can relate to this or not but looking back, now I feel like I can finally give a good answer as to why I gave up all those things that came with my office job to become a farmer/homesteader.


-While it is not a very high paying job, it might be for some of you out there, but for my family we are making enough money to get by but not much extra. And that is what I love. We live such a simpler life now. No longer are we concerned with having a nice SUV or the latest style in clothing. No, we are not rich in material things but we are so much richer now in time together and relationships with those around us that we were too busy before to even notice. I get to spend time with my children and my wife that no amount of money could ever replace.

-Work security takes on a whole new meaning now that the land provides our income. A wild fire, storm, tornado, or drought could wipe us out. However, is that really any different from any job? There is always a list of “what ifs” no matter where you work that could cause life altering problems.

-There is no such thing as a paid vacation on the farm/homestead. As a matter of fact we actually have to pay someone to come watch over the livestock if we want to take a vacation. Even though I am no longer paid to not work, I love what I do. I wake up every morning excited to get outside and see the animals and take on whatever the day has in store. I no longer need those vacation days like I did when I sat in my cubicle jail cell.

-Quitting my secure job halfway to retirement eligibility was the best decision of my life. I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would not have lived as long had I stayed at a job I did not love. Like I said before, farming is relaxing and enjoyable and I never want to retire from it.

-I no longer know what a 40 hour work week is. All the homesteaders and farmers out there know what I am talking about. I do not even know how many hours a week I work anymore. I just work until the job is done. Might be up half the night with a sick calf or out from sun up to sun down bush hogging or might have nothing special to do at all and just spend the day with the family going fishing or playing in the creek. What is amazing is the time is mine, there are things that have to be done, but my time is mine.


So there you have it. There’s the “why” I gave up my former office working life to pursue a dream of farming/homesteading and the benefits I believe I have gained and not given up.

My hope is that as you are reading this post it would encourage you to take whatever steps are holding you back from doing what you love. It might not be that you want to become a farmer like me, but no matter what it is, life is too short to be stuck doing a job you hate or being someone that you are not proud of. Take that leap of faith and just pursue your dreams. The best advice I got when I quit my office job was from my dad. He told me that “I was the hardest worker he knew and that no matter if I was a total failure at farming/homesteading, there would always be an opportunity for me because I was not afraid to take chances and work hard.” I believe that is true. If you are willing to work hard even if you fail at something, something else will come up and you will succeed as long as you keep working. It will not always be easy but nothing good in life ever comes easy.


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What I like best about homesteading is I am my own boss. :)

Could not agree more

So amazing that you took that final leap! I think we are almost there...it is so true, your time is worth so much more. We never get it back so we need to spend it wisely <3

It takes a leap of faith. But I wouldn't change it for anything. I hope you all get to take the leap soon. Yes time is one thing that we can never get back. Thank you for the kind comment. Have a wonderful day

Thank you for the kind words as well. I do hope we do it soon....time is ticking away. <3 have a great weekend with your family.

I love your article. So proud of you for taking the plunge. The simple life is indeed the best. You are fortunate to have been able to take the plunge. I always tell everyone, farming is a labor of love, and you will work harder for yourself than you ever did that 9 to 5er. It is so rewarding to be on your own schedules. Those children look so happy to be "down on the farm" Awesome way for them to grow up. They will learn empathy, compassion and the rewards for hard work.

I could not agree with you more. Thank you so much the the comment.

You don't know how it warms my heart to see you youngens coming back to the earth and exploring sustainability. I'm putting you on my feed. I want to see more of your adventures.

Thank you very much. Every day is an adventure here on the farm.

Your screen name "Justa Farmer". My friend you are more than just a farmer. You are the root of what made this country what it is today. I respect your profession, your outlook, and your faith. God bless you.

Thank you so much. That is very encouraging to me. I appreciate you taking the time to write that comment. Have a blessed day sir.

I am so excited that you made the jump! Man, getting out of the 9 to 5 is the hardest part. It is hard to see that our jail cell is a cage when it is comfortable and nicely decorated.

Very true. Thank you!

What a motivating post. We need to come out of our comfort zone to pursue our hopes and dreams in life without ever being so pressurized by the influence of the masses of "getting rich the modernized way".

I agree with you that we need to be hardworking to improve ourselves when met with failures and we cannot be afraid of it. Anyway, Upvoted!

Thank you for the kind comment.

Amazing story buddy, you are living the American dream and you inspire me sincerely. I hope we can cross paths I truly mean that.

Thank you. I am sure we will cross paths one day

Do you mainly have animals or do you do any kind of planting too?

Our main income at the moment is livestock. We also sell some eggs. We r always looking at different opportunities we do some gardening but that is more for our use. Any idea we are always open

I no longer know what a 40 hour work week is. All the homesteaders and farmers out there know what I am talking about. I do not even know how many hours a week I work anymore.

My husband and I just had a little conversation about this last night. We were talking about his retirement and we moved over to how the government wants to put a surcharge, or something, on people who use solar power. He heard it on the news radio on the way home from work. He said, "if I quit and we made the final move, I'd be working for myself. No 12 hour days in the shop, only 12 hour days for us."

It is totally a different feeling when you are working 12 hour days for yourself. I hope that this move for your husband comes soon and wish you all, all the success in the world.

I find the boundary between work and 'play' has disappeared. I just enjoy getting to co-create the living homestead! So many new people getting their hands dirty, it's awesome to see. Saludos

Thank you. I agree work and play are all the same now. Thanks for the comment

I kind of chuckle to myself when someone who works a 9-5 asks that question. You've answered it wonderfully here. Doing what you love is extremely rewarding and the only work I could see myself doing now. Your homestead, family and story are beautiful. Thankyou for sharing with us <3

Thank you so much for the kind comments. Have a wonderful day

Good for you, most people don’t value or understand the things you know get to experience in abundance. I moved out of NYC to a small town in MI 7 years ago, and people are still asking me why. It’s hard to explain the value of working in and with nature together with your family. Until you experience it, it just seems like extractive work to most. I have had the ability to cheat a bit a though, as I am a web designer I kept all my work from NYC and get to work at home and do the homesteading. Although I think they both take away a bit from the other, they are nice complements. Being that I do work “9-5” I don’t have to time to keep animals. Those are serious time commitments that are year round.

Yes I think the country life has so many valuable lessons that you just cannot get from city living. Thank you so much for the comment. Have a wonderful day.

Good for you...I'm planning on not being too far behind you.

Go for it. Live the dream!

You are not rich until you own your own time, and for that, you can consider yourself much richer than 99% of the planet than have to go and work for someone else or do a job which they don't like in the first place.

Thank you sir. I agree with you.

“I was the hardest worker he knew and that no matter if I was a total failure at farming/homesteading, there would always be an opportunity for me because I was not afraid to take chances and work hard."

Wow! That's so amazing...what a support system! I'm so happy for you guys!

Thank you.

This is awesome! You expressed the passion behind many of us so well.

Well written post! Thank you for sharing your heart and what you love to do. Less is more and more is less. Contentment is key and you are doing great at it!