in homesteading •  7 years ago 

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Viral diseases are deadly diseases that affects poultry birds bringing about a very high rate of mortality when it strikes a farm most especially when it was not well managed.

One other thing we need to know is that; once a bird has been brought down by a viral disease, such diseased bird can only be managed and cannot be treated such that the bird will be cured.

In order not to loose all our poultry birds to this viral diseases which spreads quickly and easily, there is the need to prevent the invasion of virus by ejecting your birds with a live virus.

I know the question will be how do I do it?
It is so simple, just follow the following steps.


1)know the number of birds you have by counting them.

Note that the first time you will be doing this is when they are 7 days old cos you will be getting the birds at a day old. Instead of counting, you can rely on the number given you when you got them on the first day provided you have not had any mortality.

2)get a flask that can keep any cold thing you put in it like that.

There is the need to let the virus experience a cold chain so that the virus will be in an inactive state.

3)buy LASORTA at a veterinary store taking into consideration their number of birds you want to administer it to.

The dosage you are to buy will depend on the number of birds you have. Don't buy overdose neither should you get under-dose. But in a case you have 306 birds and you only have the option of buying 350 and 300 dose. I will suggest you get 300 dose. There are some manipulations that can be done on farm provided it is done by an expertise who has the knowledge of what he or she is doing. So keep the medication in the cooler to keep it cool. Also try to be careful while moving it from the veterinary store to your farm.

4)add a sachet of milk to water and mix thoroughly.



The essence of using milk is for the chloride content of the mill to bind with the impurities in the water, thereby deactivating them and making the water ideal for use. Too much of impurities in water can bring about an improper functioning of the medication.

5)Use a syringe to draw a small amount of water and eject into the bottle containing the live virus and shake well, them use the syringe again to empty the content of the bottle into the mixture of water and milk then mix well.

6)The mixture can be distributed into drinkers for the flicks and given to them.

Note that water must be withdrawn for at least five hours from the chicks before giving them the medication so that they will have no choice but to take it.


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Thanks for providing this useful knowledge. My parents have some hens, no problems with viruses though, think they have been lucky