Why Do I Enjoy Gardening and Cooking

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

Just like enjoying nature, I have been enjoying gardening and cooking since I can remember.

In the past posts, I have been showing different kinds of gardening and cooking techniques which I have learned or discovered by myself. In this post, I would like to touch upon why I have enjoyed them so much.

They Are Life

There are obvious reasons such as being self-sufficient, being more sustainable, eating healthy, saving money, etc. However, the most important reason for me is gardening and cooking bring joy to my heart. A joy to witness God's creation, the life itself, at work.

It amazes me to witness one seed sprout into a plant, grow bigger, put on flowers, bear fruits, and produce many seeds at the end. "But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold." Matthew 13:8

At the microbial level, reproduction rate is even more amazing. They are small yet replicate themselves super fast! I have worked with both cultured and wild yeast for making bread, beneficial bacteria for make fermented food, Keifer water, and Kombucha tea. Given the right environment, these little creatures surely work hard day and night! I am very pleased that even when I am sleeping, they don't mind keep working until the job is done. ;)

Cooking is Both a Science and an Art

It's physics/chemistry at work from the surface - combinations of ingredients, temperatures, time, how fast temperature changes, heat source, how much heat contact, etc. But it's an artist hand and a loving heart that make the food superb! No wonder mom's cooking is always the best and the most comforting. <3

image source

I hope I have encouraged you to do more gardening and cooking. Thank you for stopping by today, my friend!

From my heart to your heart. <3

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This post gets the #healthy-home seal of approval!

This tag is to be used by everyone and anyone when they write a quality post for the categories of:

  • healthy/strong families
  • gardening and natural food harvest
  • homesteading and efforts toward that end.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it.

Your tacos look scrumptious! fresh from the garden and into the kitchen. The only way to eat healthily. Coming from your own garden makes it taste even better. I think cooking and gardening go hand in hand!

Thank you! The tacos do look scrumptious! They are not mine, though. :) I agree that cooking and gardening go hand in hand. Fresh from the garden and into the kitchen! Thank you for your comment.

Damn. Those tacos look like the bomb

I completely agree. They look soooooooo delicious! Thank you for your comment!

This is very useful... We must return to Mother Earth before it is too late.
...... thank you my best friend @cheneats .. oh sorry the best Minnow Lol

Haha ... thank you, my best friend, @yagoub! To Mother Earth, we go ... :)

Gardening and cooking??? I love both but always have a hard starting with the cooking. When I finally overcome the initial resistance to cook, something yummy always comes out of the pot. Just so you know, in Africa soup rules the kitchen.

You see ... you never know until you try and perfect it. I'll remember African soup rules the kitchen! Thank you for sharing.

This looks amazing! Do you follow a certain diet or do you try to eat just overall healthy? :)

I try to avoid refined sugar and refined wheat flour, eat less meat and dairy. Other than that, I eat everything growing in my garden in season. :)

Haha you deserve more than this dear friend.
I agree with you very much in everything and especially in the value of natural food
I hope to eat from your cooking and taste your natural charming food from your wonderful garden
I admire all you do and I encourage you and support you so you do something good for your health and the health of your family
Good health and good sister dear @cheneats

Thank you so much for your comment. Growing your own food is good for both your spirit and your body!

Pardon my dear sister @cheneats, I have the honor.

Enjoy the cuisine is magnificent, for me the kitchen is an art and it is not simply "cooking" one enjoys a lot of the cuisine of different countries when preparing a dish.

That's the reason it's is called culinary art! For me, eating different food from different areas is like tasting and learning different cultures. I see that you are a chef. Kudos to you for pursuing your dream and passion. Thank you so much for your comment. :)

yes, I Enjoy Gardening and Cooking! food is very tasty and healthy! homemade food is great! outstanding photography!
thank you @cheneats
resteem done

I am so glad you enjoy gardening and cooking, too. Thank you so much for your comment and resteem! I really appreciate it. <3

Oh, this reminds me of the first thing my youngest son said that made me know he was beginning to understand who and what God is. He was almost 4 and we were planting beans, and because we're homeschoolers everything is a learning opportunity, we were talking about the parts of the seed and how it would grow and what it would be. He asked if he could have one and told me that he wanted to take it to Grandma's house and tell her about it. When we got to Grandma's house he explained to her, "God put a whole plant in this for us. It's okay if you don't understand." I love that memory.

Haha ... how adorable is your son! That reminds me that we need to be like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for sharing this very lovable memory of your son. <3