What We Learned Our 1st Year of Homesteading, "I CAN!!!!"

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

What We Learned Our 1st Year of Homesteading, "I CAN!!!!"

So when I was thinking about what I wanted to do in this homestead collaboration video(What We Learned Our 1st Year Homesteading), I just kept thinking about all the times that I would doubt myself & think I CAN'T do something....bc it happens a lot..fear & doubt are my biggest hurdle & I have to battle them all the time.

I can't do this or I can't do that, bc I am not a carpenter, or a farmer, or a gardener, etc.....why don't you just live just like everyone else, bc you CAN'T be a farmer or homesteader...so when that fear & doubt set in, I have to knock it down & remind myself that, I CAN! I can do anything I want to do & no one or nothing can stop me!

So the main thing I wanted to share about our 1st year homesteading is that YOU CAN...You can do it...you can do anything you want to do & do not be afraid of trying!

If you are a new homesteader or a new farmer, or thinking about trying this lifestyle, or honestly, if want to try to do anything different in your life...DO IT, bc YOU CAN!

You can homestead...doesn't matter if it's urban homesteading, modern homesteading, off grid homestead, homestead farm or backyard homesteading...It does not matter the size of your place or the size of your homestead or soon-to-be homestead....you CAN do it! If you can dream, you CAN do it!

Thank you,
Cog Hill Farm

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Way to go. Thank you for inspiring others to jump out of the comfort zone and give it a go. I am a homesteader and I would have to say that it is lots of work and over time the progress is so rewarding. Upvoted and following

this video was among the first I seen when I subbed your channel :) will resteem it's a must see :D thanks for sharing again :D

Thank you!!!

I am going to watch this video every time I have doubts while building my homestead. You rock man love your channel and what you stand for.

The only failure is failing to try!

Exactly! thanks!

Mate, this is fantastic. I have been looking into and learning as much as I can about living independently, making the most with the space that we have and so on. (mostly on youtube tutorials posted by people like yourself)

Look forwards to reading your posts and learning a lot from you.

thank you!!

We are bordering on the suburban and rural homestead line. We live about 45 minutes from a metro area but still have some urban sprawl coming our way- yes, we are looking at property another 30-40 miles north of here.
But I love starting the day in the garden, working on projects and gaining the knowledge to rely on myself and what I can do.
Too much commercialism and consumerism in the world anymore. People become lazy and too reliant on others.
Great post! You CAN do it!

Great attitude, love it!

We're making a garden this year in the soil, a lot of work! Last year was containers, around 50 of them; this year's our biggest garden yet.

Put in a drainage ditch over the past two days, we moved 3 yards of crushed gravel with garden carts -- very sore today! :) But glad it's done, will post a video on it soon.

Awesome write up. Though we don't have the resources to homestead here in the UK we have managed as a community to grow a lot of our food as well as work out bartering arrangements. What your'e doing is admirable so thanks for sharing! Got my vote.

there is no failing, just different levels of winning.
The only real failure is failing to try :-)

or the real failure is not trying at all :) so I agree :D

You can do it! That is what I have learned from this first year of my homestead. We are doing things I never thought we would be doing and I am learning from that experience. It is more about the thought that is too hard or I will mess it up, but mistakes are a learning experience and figuring out how to fix them are even bigger learning experiences. Keep on, Keeping on!

Thanks for sharing!

I am a little late to the party on your post. I just found it. But, it is awesome and well done. Thanks for sharing this. Too many people in society today like to tell others that they can't do something. When in reality you never know until you try. And with failure comes great successes because you learn from mistakes and make it better. Kudos to you for "falling of the horse and getting back up" so to speak. Never be afraid to do what you like, You Can Do It!

Jason, as a Marine I need motivation. Your video was absolutely motivating! I love it! Makes me want to get out there right now and just start working, but I do not think working at 10:00 PM would be very productive or wise...would wake the wife and kids! Ha Ha.
I love your CAN-DO, NEVER QUIT attitude and mentality. Keep up the great work Jason! My family and I really enjoy what you produce and share with us here.

Semper Fi
