
in homesteading •  7 years ago 

Look what came in the mail!!
I am in heaven!!


I have a different way of gardening, I work with the land. My garden is not in rows, things are companion planted. My flowers, medicines, and vegetables are all intermingled.

When planning my garden, I take into account my pantry. What is depleted? What do I have extra of? What did I run out of?

For now, I plant potatoes for fun, to use up the last of the potatoes. There is a local farmer that grows potatoes and sells them for $12 for a 50 pound bag. That frees up my garden space for other things that I can fill up my pantry. I have been blessed with the help of a local Mennonite family, that help me top up on vegetables that I need! It's a win win! Always support local!

Started plants. I don't have a greenhouse up and running yet. So I usually get tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts already started. Because we get frost so late into the spring, I make tents for them. Last year we got a frost in July.

Last year I planted bush green beans, more bush beans, and a few more for good measure. I was completely out of them, so I now have a 2 year supply. That is how i plan my garden. So this year, I will dedicate a large portion of my garden to greens, chards, kales, spinach. For mass amount of dehydrating ands canning. To create my 3 year supply!

I do start alot of plants from seed. My family has always saved seed, so I am grateful for having great heirlooms. So many friends and family have exchanged seed. I truly have everything we need. The staples.


I usually look for Siberian and short season plants. I only have 88 days to grow things. I so look forward to a green house!

I have been very adamant about no foreign soil. I have taken my time with building up the garden with compost, and materials from this land. Keeping it as natural as possible. It seems to be working. Every year is better and better!
Who could ask for more?!

Adding perennials every year, has been beneficial. Last year I planted elderberry, cherry trees, and valerian root.

Off I go to start the planning!!


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Yup... I gotta get started on getting

It is time to start thinking about seeds. I usually start now. We will be planting inside starting late February. We only have 88 frost free days as well.

Enjoy all your seeds.

I love your set up!! One day... it is my dream!!

Thank you! I hope your dream comes true.

Oh my, I am so ready for spring time. You said 88 days? What is the best vegetable for that kind of season?

We plant alot of greens, chard, kale. And last year i planted the beans. Squash does well when i start them in the house. Tomatoes are a crap radishes, carrots, peas, aparagus always do well. Cucumbers are iffy.

We are hoping to move to a colder climate and grow. I am thinking of trying in ground greenhouses. Maybe if the geothermal is good it will help. Have you tried any heated options?

That is what i am going to build. Geothermal/ Thermal mass. Earth ship principles. I will have a small rocket stove to prolong the growing season. @wwf and @carey-page have had alot of success. I love earthship principles.

you have started already??!! oh dear lord iI havent even started planning! ok I got some catching up to do. I love how you do your garden, everything works together. I still have lots to learn so thank you for sharing ^_^

We will get you going!!!

You've helped me lots already. Cant wait to do more planning with you. Sit down over tea and map it out :D

Looking forward to it!!

Wow you must have a large garden to be able to grow enough for the whole year in only 88 days! Guess a greenhouse would help a lot?

I rotate so that my garden doesn't have to be huge! We also forage for aloud if natural goodness!!

Nature can be so abundant! What do you collect the most of? We are lucky to have some old trees giving delicious walnuts in the village.

Here we have blueberries, raspberries, hazelnuts, lots of mushrooms :)
Do you find walnuts are hard on the garden, restrictive what you can grow? Black walnut makes an amazing tincture!!

Believe we have a white variety of walnut. At least it doesn't seem to effect the plants below it too much.
I would love raspberries here!

I am very excited about seeds, too. Nature does its wonder through seeds. Something looks so insignificant can turn into something else that is so beautiful and sustain our life!

It's so true ❤❤❤
Growth & seeds are life! When I was a kid it was sears catalogue now....seeds! Just kidding i don't get any right now but, it is very enjoyable to live vicariously!!! 🌱🌳

I completely agree <3<3<3 I don't need sears catalog anymore!

It's an addiction! Lol i make lists, mark the pages! Circle things.. check my lists twice!! :) i love you guys!!!

makes me think of spring, soon I guess

looking all starry eyed spring! Lol