in homesteading •  8 years ago 

As sad as it was to say goodbye to my spring garden, Fall is headed our way. Where did the time go?!


I took a "cooler" morning to till the old garden under. I haven't always used my tractor in my gardening, but this is a new plot that has only ever been pasture. The sand spurs and weeds were something awful in the Spring, and they had started to come back. Tilling them under before they flower is a great way to stop weeds while adding a compost-in-place. I used weeds as my cover crop Lol!



My garden is seperated by a chick grow-out pen. On the left there is nothing left, but the right hand side still has a struggling row of watermelons. Again, being the first year planting here, I didnt expect magic. But we've harvested about 12 melons and still have more to go!




This season, I'll plant pumpkins and squash along with some "chaos" gardening where the kids will plant some things out of season to see how they do. The prepper side of me is VERY interested to see these results. The kids will be putting together a portfolio for home school on this test.

Hope you enjoyed a look and we look forward to your comments below! Have a great day!


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Nice! I'm interested to see what and how you plant, as well as how it all turns out. Some of our early producers in the garden are about done, so we're talking our plans too.

Wow, thank you! I'll have to figure out how to do that too! I need more time in the day (is there an app for that? lol)
I can't decide what is the most fun, planning the garden or the harvesting?

Still waiting on my current garden.
Have green tomatoes every where, with a few finally turning.
Have flowers everywhere, but no veggies on the end.
Hoping my container corn actually turns into something.

Hey let me know how container corn turns out!

I'll probably put an update this weekend. Just hoping that the ears do more than this.

Wow, never seen that before. My corn was taken over by wasps! The rabbits and pigs ended up with it, which is fine.

I'm a little worried about the ants. Only one ear did that, the others will hopefully do something more spectacular.

I'm sure you know this already, but just in case you never heard of it, you may need to hand pollinate next time. Corn is wind pollinated but if there's too much rain or not enough wind, you take the pollen off a male stalk and find the stalks with baby corn silk tasseling. Just shake the pollen over the silk and you should have nice full ears next year! Best wishes🌽

I might have to hand pollinate almost everything next year.
Apparently even the 3 types of bees I have seen in my plant flowers aren't doing a good enough job.

I can't wait for fall weather! I'm over this heat!

Omg yes! We're roasting for sure

Floridain too. Garden only has cherry tomatoes left. It was fun while it lasted. Can't wait for the fall planting. That isa nice looking watermelon. You have any chickens? 🐓🐓

Yumm cherry tomatoes! Time for pasta salad :0) We have, lets just say, a "few" chickens Lol

Even a few chickens can do a lot of prepping work. Haha! 🐓🐓