RE: First New Babies

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First New Babies

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

I had no clue on the amount of milk it took either, which brings me to my next question, how much milk do you get from 1 goat per time you milk her? So many questions. Sorry if I'm a bug with this. I am intrigued.
And I am guessing they do not milk for long either.

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No worries about the questions, I love to chat about these kind of things. I actually made cheese yesterday and was going to blog about it but forgot. I also wasn't sure if anyone would find it interesting. Next cheese making day I will do a blog about it.

As long as they are not a new mama I can usually get 1 L per goat per milking. So If I have three goats I will get 3 L in the morning and 3L in the evening when I am milking them full time. Right now I am just milking to help the mama's because the babies can't keep up with production. In about a month I will milk the mama's in the morning only and the kids will have the day time milk. After about 2 more months of that the kids will be weaned and I will milk full time. Goats can milk for 3 years before they need to get pregnant again. This is not the case on our farm. Our girls always manage to get with our fella.

Wow, thats a long time for milking. I thought it would only last a few months going by the needs of their babies.
A blog would be good. For me anyways as I have no clue and i can learn from it :p
It would seem your goats are pretty actively healthy with your male there lol. Keeps you on your toes ;)

Yes the goats can be milk quite a bit longer than a cow.

The next time I milk enough milk I will do a blog on cheese.

Our girls love our male. They find ways to get to him. It really does keep me on my toes. There usually comes a time when I just throw my arms up in the air and say oh well.

HAHA! I can just see you doing that too. Ahhh animals a great!