Why you would want to date a Homesteader, and Questions to ask your Potential Partner

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

The life of a HOMESTEADER is tough and a lot of hard work. So why would anyone want to date someone who is a homesteader?

This post will highlight why you want to date a homesteader, and the questions you need to ask when looking for your homesteading mate.



Because there is just no comparison to homemade bread.

Because you will never go hungry.

Because you will save $ on a gym membership, the homesteader life is a gym with a good workout, working all the muscle groups, especially the arms with milling your own flour.

Because everyone just looks down right SEXY in a pair of rubber boots.

Just think of the money you will save on your wardrobe. Jeans and a T cost so little compared to a suit and tie.

Because chicken catching is just a whole lot of fun.

Now if you are serious about finding that perfect Misses or Mr. right for you and the Homestead then your gonna want to ask these questions. If they can answer at least 3 out of 5 then they might just be a keeper and could possibly learn.


Ask them to explain how to snip a sucker off of a tomato plant?

Is a Goji berry bush a self pollinating bush?

What is a brooder lamp?

Is it possible to Hypnotize a chicken? And why would you want to?

Do goats get lonely?

What time does the sun rise, at this time of year?

Now these questions seem to be silly, but in actual fact they are all legitimate questions with real farming answers.

I hope those who are single out there with a homestead and an idea of dream partner read this and take some hints. As far as I know there are no homesteading dating sites out there, or at least not in Canada. Usually if you go to a county auction you may be able to snag more than just a cow or a few pigs. LOL

Happy Trails

Photo from http://www.ourprovidenthomestead.com/2017/05/are-you-ready-to-be-a-homesteader/

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Haha absolutely! I'm married but maybe a homesteader dating app is in the future for single Homesteaders!! Haha

When I was a teen I had to rise no later than 5AM , help milk 31 Holsteins , shovel their shit onto a manure spreader and drive it out (sometimes at -30 F ambient temperature) and spread it in the pastures and hayfields. Afterward I'd wolf down breakfast, dress for highschool and run out and catch the school bus... Sometimes still smelling a little like cow shit and a hundred year old barn....

Yeah, really, who'd wanna date that guy? Not many of today's out-of-touch cyber teens...

IT is my biggest prayer that my daughters will see value in a farm or homestead boy. This way she will always have food and so will my grand babies one day, so no worries for me in my senior years. Good for you to have been raised to be a hard working kid. I raised my son the same way, and he has turned out to be a fine young man productive and still wakes way before 7. Thanks for sharing. upvoted and following you.

Love the lifestyle! Growing your own food and living close to nature always appealed to me too. I'm close now and will be looking for a farm/ranch within the next 5 years to start a rescue/research center for animals with chronic diseases. How big is your land?

All the best in finding someone!

I actually have found some who is absolutely amazing, but it took me a long time.


even I only know the answer to 2 questions and I have a homestead lol. great read!!!

That is ok, we are all learning on this journey. Yes you can hypnotize chickens, it makes them calmer and more docile, and yes goats get really lonely and do much better with a mate, as do most of God's creatures. LOL

Well worth an up vote from me. As a first generation off the farm, I still got enough experience from relatives to know I would one day marry a farm girl. I did, and everything worked out well. We now have two adult kids and are in the sit back and relax mode.

Aw what a great read. Good for you guys. I found myself a great lad. One happy Farm girl, but it was not easy at all.

I know the answer to 3 of those questions. :-)
Yes, goats do get lonely...

and chickens can be hypnotized to make them more docile and calmer. LOL

I love this! When my partner and I got together it was MY dream to have a homestead. He was reluctant at first but now we are partners in it!
This post shows how much there is to learn !