Over The Creek & Through The Woods Is My House Plus Some Yarrow Leaf & RennetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

The other day I went on a short walk with my partner-in-crime (my 100-lb chocolate lab, Lady) and we gathered a few goodies along the way. I am saving some for another day to post, but I wanted to share this one today, as well as two things: one I received in the mail Monday and the other my mom gave to me.

We walked about a fifty yards along the path beside our property line and I snapped this picture through the trees. In the summer time you can't even see my house from this vantage point.


If you look close enough below the windows, you can see my two pickle barrels which I am turning into four containers next spring for gardening- thanks @fixedbydocs for the idea!

Me and Lady, the dog, like to go for a daily walk even when it's cold; which it has been VERY cold the last week or so. We'll walk down and get the mail, head up the creek for a little bit or just walk down the property edge looking for new things and plants.

It's good exercise for both of us, we get some fresh air and it kind of breaks up the monotony of a gloomy autumn day of indoor chores.

Yarrow Leaf

Even though I have some yarrow growing on the edge of our property, near the little creek in the back, I wanted some yarrow leaf now for a few recipes I will be trying out in the upcoming weeks. So I had found a good deal online and ordered a bag Saturday night. It arrived in the mail Monday and I have been patiently waiting for the holiday to pass this week so I can jump head first into some more homesteading and gift ideas.

I have never ordered from this company before, they seem to have a good reputation and I'm hopeful the product will satisfy my needs. Anyone ever get herbs or supplies from them before?

yarrow seeds.jpg

Rennet Tablets

Yup! I got some rennet! Now I can attempt to make some homemade mozzarella cheese next week!

I still have some of the raw milk from the other day, but not enough to make a recipe of cheese, so we'll be stopping at the dairy farm Friday to restock the supply. THEN I'm off to make my first EVER batch of mozzarella cheese.

It's amazing how excited I am to do this. It's the little things, right?


Hopefully I'll have a post for you with the end product. Yeah, that would be great!

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The picture of your house reminds me of my friend's house in Germany! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with the yarrow!

We're not too far off the beaten path, which is nice because we don't get too much traffic. And I especially like it in the spring and summer when our house isn't even visible. I like my privacy... lol

I've never made cheese before so I'm curious how it turns out for you!
I haven't ordered from that company before, but I do recommend Mountain Rose Herbs as well. I get my beeswax from them among other things, as they have a good price when you buy a lot at a time (5 lbs for me).

Hopefully I'll have a good post, with successful results, to share after making cheese! Fingers crossed.

Yes I've heard of that company. I'll have to visit their site. I get beeswax locally but if price is good I may consider it from there.

Back in the 1980s when my kids were little, we had a couple of dairy goats. We used to make a soft cheese from the milk. It wasn't too different from cottage cheese. It would have been nice to have been able to get rennet tablets back then, but I didn't know where to get them.
Good luck with your cheese making. As was said in the movie "The Life Of Brian", blessed are the cheese makers!

I'm super anxious to use the rennet next week! I love goat cheese... so tangy!