Around the Yard - September 24, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  5 years ago 

Little girl eggs crop September 2019.jpg

The new layers aka the little girls, have been laying well, considering their age. We are now getting 5 eggs each night, and 3 of them are weighing in at “small” vs pullet which doesn’t register. We had scrambled pullet eggs for supper Tuesday night with strawberries on the side.

Big garden - remaining Wallas crop September 2019.jpg

I had well over 100 Walla Walla sweet onions left after I’d dehydrated ½ gallon, used 32 in chicken bone stock, chopped 40 cups for the freezer, and had my helper friend make me 7 quarts of French onion soup. So I offered them on BuyNothing. I had 9 people who wanted some, so I gave each 12 onions. This is what is still left.

Spirea - mulched crop September 2019.jpg
Spirea bush mulched

This was the first shrub I weeded (for the first time this year) and mulched with the extra mulch from the New Herb garden. It needs deadheading and pruning, but I don’t know if I will get to that this year.

White lilac - mulched crop September 2019.jpg
White lilac mulched

Next was the white lilac.

East lilac crop September 2019.jpg
East lilacs weeded partially and some mulch down

I ran out of energy by the time I got here. I’ll finish them on Thursday.

2nd Fence - gaillardia crop September 2019.jpg
2nd Fence garden - gallardia

3rd Fence - N. E. aster crop September 2019.jpg
3rd Fence garden – New England asters

The interesting thing about these is that the parent plant, in the 1st Fence garden is decidedly pink this year, and these are purple. Some years they are also blue.

So that’s a quick look around the yard.

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For fun, I paint and draw with pastels.
Your first picture of the sun streaming through the window casting beautiful shadows itches my fingers to get busy!
The colours of the eggs is a good contrast.
Thank you.

That window was what prompted a complete redesign of the addition. We couldn't bear to not look out it, as we've done for 35 years. It will still send sun in, just as it does now, just 32' east of where it sits.