Bobcats and the Good Little Girl - September 4, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  6 years ago 


Tuesday morning my husband headed out in the truck to NH to pick up our window order. He was on Rt. 10 in Northfield, MA and being tailgated by a town cop car.

He’d noticed dark spots in the road up ahead and when he got near enough, realized it was 4 bobcat kittens playing in the road. He put his blinker on and braked sharply, almost making the cops rearend him.

They swung around him and realized why he stopped and they braked sharply. They all watched the kittens bat one another then disappear into the woods. The cops waved to my husband and drove off.

Of course, he’d left his phone at home by accident, so no photos.

First pullet egg crop Sept. 7, 2018 .jpg

Monday morning my husband pulled the board off the nestbox so the little girl in the new flock who was laying every day would have access. It has typically taken several days for them to investigate the new area. But not this little girl. She hopped right in and laid her egg there today.

Not much accomplished Tuesday: finished up a couple jobs in the butchershop and wrote the Freezer camp post.

Wednesday we resume work on the 66 birds: cutting up, packaging, and weighing, with help from my intern. The local raptor rehab guy is coming on Wednesday afternoon for the chicken heads to feed to his eagles.


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