More Massachusetts Gardens! June 5, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  6 years ago 

Butter crop June 4 2019.jpg

Wait! She said gardens! Yup, so I did. While my helper friend was stuck inside making 2 gallons of cream into this glorious butter, I was in the gardens.

Round bale half gone crop June 2019.jpg

I think I got the better deal, even though I was tearing pieces off this stinky (think cow manure and you’re EXACTLY right) old round bale. I found out yesterday you do NOT do this job without rubber gloves. The smell does NOT wash off! The smell’s in the small parts top and bottom that actually fermented like they were supposed to.

New Herb - half done crop June 2019.jpg

But I got one more row mulched in 2½ hours before I died. So the garden is officially half done. Then I wandered around for more photos. Gee, that is a surprise! :))

New Herb - remains of Row 7 crop June 2019.jpg
New Herb garden, Row 7: marjoram, chives, oregano, perennial onion

This is what’s left of the last row. Look at the size of those chives! I know I have to move all this, but I’m letting them be happy as long as I can…

New Herb - Row 5 honesty, sage, pineapple sage crop June 2019.jpg
New Herb Garden, Row 5: from bottom, honesty, sage, pineapple sage

The big honesty has made tons of “coins” but the 2 little ones behind it still have pink flowers. The sage burst into bloom over the last 2 days. And the pineapple sage is still going for world domination, as I’ve not weed this row yet.

3rd Fence - white iris crop June 2019.jpg
3rd Fence Garden – white bearded iris

South Herb - peony buds crop June 2019.jpg
South Herb Garden – the peony about to explode!

My husband was talking to the neighbors 2 farms down and they’ve seen the male fox regularly over there. We knew they weren’t gone….


This morning when I went to open windows at 4AM I saw my first fireflies. I go to bed too early to see them at night.

Source: fireflies:

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