The extension to the chicken run is complete.

in homesteading •  7 years ago 


After a few starts and stops due to weather days – snow, rain, and cold, my 16 x 42 extension to the chicken run is complete. Although our chickens free range almost all the time, the larger run will allow me to keep them locked up when we are out of town or away for the evening without them being overly crowded.

I only have 32 birds at the moment so the larger run is not totally necessary yet, but by the end of the summer, I will have around 100 birds and that is a lot of chickens to keep in the first 12 x 20 run I built.

I did use new concrete block for the piers and new fence wire for the sides, but everything else was built with recycled lumber, roofing, and chicken wire. For those interested, the total cost was $1009. (Yes, I really keep track of those things).

Following are a few pictures of the construction.

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Now that this part is done, phase II will be to build a fence on the inside of the first run I built so that I will have two 6 x 20 foot runs. This will give me more flexibility for the new chickens this spring and summer. More on that later.


Have a great day! Every comment is up-voted and thanks for your up-vote, Tim and Joann

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It’s huge. Please come build one for our girls. They would love it. Great job on your part. 🐓🐓

It is big then my house, but our house is only 640 sq. ft.

Looks very nice! With that much roof you should be able to catch some serious water when it rains.

We could catch about 625 gallons/inch of rain.

That's quite a bit of good water! If you need info on the float we use for our automatic waterer please let me know.

It doesn’t look like they will get much sunlight in there. Do they not care for much sun?

They free range most days. Even before the roof there was too much shade in the run during the winter, but during the summer they like the shade.

I should add that I am more concerned about keeping the run dry then I am about shade. The chickens hate having snow in their run.

Good to know, thank you!

Super Nice Run! You should be really proud.

That is one well built chicken shack and run...

follback bro :) (Y) Nice Post

Do you not have much problem with raccoons? Around here they'd reach right thro that wire and rip off wings or heads. Chicken wire isn't any better, as they can destroy that given any sort of leverage. We have a real high predator load here, so it's just what we've experienced. The buried wire should work real well though!

We have killed our share of raccoons, but they have not been bad this year. A lot of tried, but I never had a predator get in yet.

How do you keep Predators from burrowing underneath the floor and getting into the run that way?

Fence wire buried around the house with sheet metal and rocks on top

Are there plans for water catchment from that roof?

Probably. There is about 1000 sq ft of roof so it would collect a lot water

Seems like it would be worth doing! Make sure to do a post about when you do!

The chickens will be happy.