RE: Homestead News - American Farmers and Suicide - VIDEO

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Homestead News - American Farmers and Suicide - VIDEO

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

I know that’s the case for corn. I’m pretty sure government subsidies is the only thing keeping corn alive. That’s one crop I hope we never take on.

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2004 U.S. Crop Subsidies

  • Commodity Millions of US$ Share
    Feed grains, mostly corn 2,841 35.4%
    Upland cotton and ELS cotton 1,420 17.7%
    Wheat 1,173 14.6%
    Rice 1,130 14.1%
    Soybeans and products 610 7.6%
    Dairy 295 3.7%
    Peanuts 259 3.2%
    Sugar 61 0.8%
    Minor oilseeds 29 0.4%
    Tobacco 18 0.2%
    Wool and mohair 12 0.1%
    Vegetable oil products 11 0.1%
    Honey 3 0.0%
    Other crops 160 2.0%
    Total 8,022 100%

Farming is NOT free market. There are a ton of 'price supports' to keep the price UP.
Then 'subsidies' to the farmers because they can't make a profit at that price....

The government got's a hopeless mess.

Fun Factoid...the 'farm bill' got hung up in congress this year. No farm bill no subsidies (or anything else).

Highly stress making for those who depend on it.

Imagine your mortage is coming due...and you need the subsidy to pay it.

That is why I pay cash for things, or wait. No Mortgage, no stress.... :D

And you are 100% right on the government. If you put them in charge of the Sahara Desert, we would have a sand shortage within five years!

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