Starting Seeds & Feeling Anxious

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

Time for planting

I’m sure I’m probably the last one on steemit to have finally received my seeds in the mail. I got my package from Baker Creek yesterday. The excitement is starting! I hope I'm not taking on too much at once.
Oh yea, that gold one is not from Baker Creek. That was a free one from another website.

Here were the two free seeds that came with. They seem very interesting, but I’m one who judges the food’s taste based on looks, so we’ll see.

I went through my seeds and picked out the ones that say to start inside 8-10 weeks ahead of time. I started those ones today. Our last spring frost is about mid-May. Ten weeks from today gets me to the start of May, so after I transplant them, I may have to use a sheet if it gets too cold. I’ll just have to see how the weather goes.

My aunt was nice enough to donate some seed starters to me. Gardening isn’t cheap. I also didn’t realize how much room this was going to take up. I don’t have any big south facing windows, so either I will have to order some grow lights or move my seeds as the sun moves around the house.

Here’s the jupiter peppers in the paper towel technique I saw by @shalomacres. I told the Big Man about this, and he said the Old Man(his dad) used this technique to test his germination rate for his wheat. I wonder if there’d be any benefit to trying this with any other of my seeds?

Feeling anxious

I have to admit, now that the seeds are planted, the pressure to succeed is creeping in. I mean, sure, we can always fall back on the grocery store, but I’d really like to get this down. This nervous feeling reminds me of Genesis 3:17, “And to Adam he said, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life” The phrase “in pain” is `itstsabown in Hebrew. The Strong’s definition is worrisomeness, i.e. labor or pain. Worrisomeness...yep, I can relate to that, as I’m sure can any other farmer/homesteader/gardener can. We can do all that we can on our end, and the rest we leave to YHWH to provide.

I can’t wait to watch my plants grow. I’ll be starting more again in about 4-6 weeks.

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You’ll do great. Just don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t go well. Depending on the year different crops will naturally thrive while others will flop. Take it in stride, learn, and move on. Gardening isn’t cheap, like you said, but the results give “free” food that is far superior. So in that sense, gardening is much less expensive than going to the store. 😀happy gardening.

Thank you for the encouragement! I’m really excited for the produce come harvest time. It will be worth the work!

OH YES!! Lovin' seeing all the seeds starting to be planted in the last few weeks. I have my next series of seeds lined up to start this weekend.

Just feeling the dirt on my hands and getting the seed going gets me so excited!

Now if only the snow would melt so we can really get into that dirt!

I have most of my seeds. I had to use the Dollar Tree and Walmart for my seeds. But I will be starting some this weekend also. I am using the seed starter pots from the Dollar Tree, It was 12 little pots for a dollar. I have to be frugal, or cheap, however, you want to put it, with the garden this year as it is really my first year and it is expensive but I hope all goes well.

Getting started is the most important part, no matter how we do it. It will be exciting to get that first year of experience under our belt. Wishing you success!

Baker's Creek has a great selection of different seeds. I am getting excited to get mine started too!

Baker Creek is always a good place to go for seeds. I got a nice order a few weeks ago. A couple of the ones I have not grown before are the Dark Galaxy Tomato and the Blauer Speck Kohlrabi. I am sure there are going to be a lot of posts when everyone really gets going on their seed planting!!!

My favorite by a long stretch (and I did a price/seed count/availability comparison of 9 companies this year) is Fedco Seeds. They are usually 1/2 the price of any of the others, plus if you become a coop member you get a discount. I did order 2 packet from Bakers Creek because they were the only ones carrying those particular seeds.