in homesteading •  7 years ago 


You can definitely tell it's starting to warm up in North Carolina. The Peachtrees in the Food Forest are blooming! These trees are 3 years old going into their fourth year. I'm not expecting and good harvest from them this year. Not quite old enough yet.


I do hope to get some cuttings off of it though and try to root them. Does anyone have any experience with peach tree cuttings? Any tips would be much appreciated.

This short slideshow video has some pretty good shots of the Food Forest from last year.

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Congratulations on your peach trees going into their 4th year! @hopfarmnc The pretty pink flowers remind me of cherry blossoms. Wish my father was alive to offer help on starting cuttings -- he could practicalky start a rose from one of it's thorns! I do remember seeing a product at Home Depot for starting shoots that you add to the water in the glass or jar while you're awaiting roots to grow. Good luck!

Thank you! Yeah they look a lot like cherry blossoms. I've rooted up Elderberry and fig before but I've heard Peach is harder to get the cuttings to root. We'll see.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oooohhh, pretty... I haven't seen peach blossoms before - they look like cherry blossoms too, don't they? Hope you get some nice peaches... :)
Love all the produce and flowers you had from last year...

Thank you! Yeah they look similar to cherry blossoms.

Spring oooh yea :)

We also have mild weather now in Austria and Spring is really here now... Good luck to you and your young tree.Cheers!

Thank you!


Thanks! 🤗