You would think at this time of the year there wouldn’t be much to do down on the plot but you would be wrong. January is a good month to get things sorted out for the year ahead. I cleaned all the tools and tidied up the shed. I also cut back the Artichokes and cleaned up the plot. I still have a few Syboes (Spring Onions) growing so I picked one for a snack.
Did you know Syboe has its linguistic origins in an onion. The word Siboe is a reminder of our French connections, being derived from the French word Ciboule, an Onion. This, in turn is derived from Latino Cepula, a little Onion.
I have also been working out what I will be sowing this year and ordered my Potatoes, so it’s all go. The Garlic I planted back in November is looking good. Picture above.
Here are some very helpful tool use in my garden.
And the greenhouse use to preserved plants and veggies.
Hope you have a good day!☺