A Stroll Through The Food Forest (in the making) and a tip about a plant that draws in the pollinators!

in homesteading •  6 years ago 

I took a nice stroll through the food forest in the making this morning. I wanted to take you along for the stroll too! I'm anxious for next year for when our fruit trees will be getting a little bigger and possibly producing! This fall we will be planting more perennials and taller goodies. Our fruit trees are spread apart now because we live in a very humid climate and I wanted to ensure good airflow. As you see, we have a touch of powdery mildew going on. Some of the white spots you see are just the type of squash (c. Moschata) but some is in fact powdery mildew. Not a big deal though. They will still produce and do just fine.

Take a look around!! And check out the plant we have that the pollinators LOVE!

With lots of love
Kindred Acres

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Jealous of all your bumblybees! And your space looks great :) where are y'all at and when's the next volunteer day?

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm telling you, plant luffa! It will bring the bumblebees like crazy. And butterflies as well as honeybees. Every single time I've planted it, it gets covered in bumblebees. As for where we are, we are near Raleigh NC. I haven't posted the next volunteer day yet because I'm watching the heat closely but you can follow us on FB and you'll get notified of our events. :) Thanks for checking us out!!