Weekly Quail Mother GIF #1

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)


Week # 1

This weeks Quail Mother GIF features EGGZILLA, the hen with a mustache. She has gotten picked on for being different, her round eyes and mustache. But her difference allowed her to develop her own rhythm for life. And as her confidence grew so did her personality. Allow me to introduce EGGZILLA to steemit.



EGGZILLA loves misty mornings and burrowing in straw.
Mealworms are her favorite food.
He best friends are Harley Quinn, Penguin, and trouble maker Gambit.
She has two sisters, Flocka and Mystique, they don't get along.
EGGZILLA is quiet but can be a force of nature when need be just like he name implies.
EGGZILLA is one of the OG's in the coop.
She was one of the first the Quail Mother picked to bring home. The Quail Mother LOVES her mustache.

EGGZILLA gives all rights to her GIF to be used freely, to share for the love of quails with all on steemit.

Thank you for reading this post, all proceeds go to the Quails under the tender care of the Quail Mother.
Big Love.

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haha rad mustache.

Hahah these gif are so awesome!! :)

I LOVE the mustache.

want. to. squuuueeeeeeeeze! what a darling! <3

I know! They are the cutest in the world. And sometime I do hug them, I wont lie.

aww i bet quail snuggles are THE BEST!

oh. my. word! yes. best gif series on steemit yet! :)

Haha! Thanks @teamhumble! This was the first time I have ever tried making one. It was fun!

that's it. you will be hooked! i love all things gif and cinemagraphs!

So fun, I just laughed every time I added anything new. I was so entertained.

yeah i love messing with gifs. giphy cam is a great app, gif3 brewery 3 on mac is free and also rad, in the coming months i'm gonna be getting back into cinemagraph life. yay!

When using Quail Mother in the same context as EGGZILLA it sounds like you are some sort of deity who mind controls some awesome beasts :))
P.s Have you ever watched Ed, Edd and Eddy? :)

Hahaha! Oh man, that is funny. The Quail Mother thing started as a joke at steemfest. I was introducing myself as the Quail Mother.

It has been a long time since I have seen the show. I remember a kid having a plank as a doll. Is that the same show?

Yeah that's the show :) One of the characters ( Ed - the least brightest of the bunch ) had a strong affection for chickens. I know these are quails but they still look somewhat similar so I had an Ed moment :)))))

Hahahahaha! Oh man. It is the sad truth. Thant is me....... LOL!

I was implying that I felt like that not you :))) Anyway on your next quail post I'm gonna prepare a super mega epic comment that will blow you away ( if nobody steals my idea and beats me to it- fingers crossed )

I am so excited!