Self Knowledge and learning to take care of yourself using natural ways!

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

One of the things I find rather sad in modern life is the detachment from understanding the connection between food, medicine and natural ways of production. Most people live daily life without questioning much, especially when it comes to health and well being. Only one hundred years ago most people kept gardens (even in cities and even small) and chickens were a standard for most households. Today most cities ban having chickens and regulate the types of things that can be done on regular city allotments -- Now I am totally aware of the 'food not lawns' movement and all the coops that are coming together to grow food and medicine but that is still the minority -- Most places make it difficult to get your organic on and that is just a truth!


I have long been one to listen to my elders as I love the stories of how people dealt with the stuff that life threw at them. Humans are resilient and creative and have been taking care of themselves a very long time, without expecting the government to help them. I love the wisdom of tried and true ways of growing food, preparing, preserving and propagating for the next season. I also love the stories the elder midwives have shared about natural healing and medicines from the land, common things that heal are everywhere around us and most think of these powerhouse green friends as weeds or undesirable -- how utterly sad!


I am one of those wild people that think nature is beautiful and that everything plays a role in the greater eco-system. I think learning about the world around us is about what is growing in the cracks of the concrete and climbing the fences, not what dress is in fashion this season and what word triggers people. I think of myself as a woman monk with nature as my teacher. By just watching animals interacting gives one a deeper look into self than tuning into a tv series of controlled realities and programming.


I want to share some books that I find valuable and if, just if, something bad happens and we need to rely on our immediate communities and not big government, these will be invaluable to help folks help themselves and each other. Besides, it's truly empowering when you learn to grow your own foods and medicine... when you know how to prepare tonics, poultices, tinctures, canning, fermenting, ect, you have a greater sense of security and less need for outside help. Peace of mind is a tonic inandof itself.


I have relied on my skills for years, not only for me but for my animals. I have many stories of healing and learned by reading, listening, and doing -- by the fire my skills have been forged.


The more I learn, the more I yearn to learn more. Participating in your life is not always easy, in fact, I see people everyday that seem to just be going through the motions and are not really enjoying the nuance. The setbacks are feedback from the universe, a challenge -- Be your own hero on this journey called life!

There are many resources available on natural ways and I have a huge library, these are some of my favorites. Just start with one and play around with the information, who knows what may come of it. . .

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I'm with you 100%! I live out in the middle of nowhere, and more folks here rely on nature, but not as many as before. Time to go back to our roots and embrace the beauty and tools around us. Resteemed!

I love your area of the country and have spent a lot of time over that way when I was younger (Fam in GA).

It saddens me that so many people from the mountains (all over) have let the ways go.

Thank you kindly for the resteem. <3

Cities outright banning things just disgusts me. The further civilization builds the more it crowds out freedom of choice, expression and simply living itself. - Witnessing the problems that @sharingsociety shares stories of just exemplifies the difficultiy it is just to live in today's society! Too many rules!

I 100% agree with you! The more of us that stop participating in this madness the more that system of control will wane. It's absurd that's it gotten this bad.

@mamadini what a wonderful collection of books from your library! I can only hope that this age of information can find a way to bring sacred knowledge of medicine and herbal pathology into social consciousness with posts like this <3

Ah, thank you, JP. <3