You're No PREPPER - You Just Think You Are - You're Not Fooling Me πŸ“· [Video inside]

in homesteading β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

I've been prepping since around the time of the Y2K buzz so I've seen a few things. My military background is in the Army Infantry and so I have seen the logistics of what it takes to support troops in a forward area with few natural resources.


Military water bladders - picture courtesy of


So when I see these so called "PREPPERS" and "SURVIVALISTS" talking about their battle rifles, stocks of ammo, piles of beans and bandaids and their expensive bug out vehicle, you can color me not impressed...yet.

When I ask them about water, they will usually pause and respond that they have purchased cases of water at Sam's Club. Sorry but that doesn't cut it. You need water first, beans, bullets and bandaids later. A good portable water filter will work in a survival situation but having a large reliable source of water with the ability to add more is critical in a stationary location. Remember, a survival situation is only supposed to be temporary. What will you do long term?

You're not a prepper if you don't save and have water.


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When it comes to water, here are my "big three":

  1. Accessable - Can you get to it with ease?
  2. Sustainable - Fresh and renewable? Capable to recharge if needed?
  3. Defendable - Are you prepared to defend the source or conceal if needed?

If the answer to any of these is "no" then you can not call yourself a prepper.

Bullets being death, water is life. Steem On brother!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Great post. Boots on the ground kinda stuff. Thanks for your service. Meanwhile, preppers with their last glass of water...

There's always the urban prepper water storage method.

Yes! We were looking into purchasing an used above ground pool as an overflow for our rain catchment system. We live in a small town but I think our neighbors would appreciate looking at a pool version another tote. :) If your curious on our rain catchment system just click here to view our playlist.

Just make sure you use the UV LED system to keep it clean, instead of chlorine and other methods.

I'll look into that, thanks @deanlogic .

we're in the country but we're literally doing the same thing. Got an above ground pool going in that will give us nearly 15,000 gallons of water storage. We also have a well & a creek!

Yep, that works!

Amen Zach! Other than putting in a garden, constructing our rain catchment system was my very first "prepping" project. Not only are they a great prepping tool but a cost saving devices as well.

Since our town charges sewage fees based upon our water usage, we get charged for this even though most of our domestic water is going to feed our food. Since we've added two IBC Totes, we've reduced our sewage bill by at least $200 for last season.
Our Rain Catchment System

Great pic! THANKS!! Loveit!

You're welcome Zach.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Yes sir! I do always stress in my posts that in a survival situation, water is the first priority as well. So not just prepping but outside the home as well. Water should always be number 1 on the list! The human body can't go as long without water as it can food. Great post brother!

Love your user name here. Thanks for commenting!

Thanks man and sure thing!

Have to agree, water is number one. However the mass majority of people do not have the access to facilities such as yours, which I might add is very impressive. The only thing I see wrong is the lack of protection against sabotage.
Followed and upvoted also resteemed

the homestead is protected, don't you worry. :)


I was looking at these hand pump desalination devices a few months ago..handy if you live on the you know if they are any good

Nice prepper water tanks behind you. Water is so vital to any prepare. I will it is hard to store water for those of us without any land. It's not that I don't want to store water, its just not going to work where I am located. One day I'll get there. Thanks for the video

I agree, we have friends who are just starting out and I suggested that they by a used hot tub. It fits on their apartment patio and no ones any wiser that it's being use for prepping purposes. :)

Love this!! I remember a few years ago I made a huge ass survival bag with all kinds of things in it but I never freekin bought water! WTF? lmaooo! Thank you for this post my new friend :D @mericanhomestead

I've got a shallow well and I'm about 2 miles from a big uninhabited lake. Even so, rain catchment is a good idea, if nothing else, to better control where the water goes on the property, and when it goes there. Instead of it all accumulating around the structures off the roof, it can be directed and dispersed more evenly around the property at a dryer time when it is needed. We seem to give so little thought to water these days.

TexasDad is working on our water supply in the very near future. You are so right, water is just NOT as exciting as all the other things! LOL We have a goal to get our house set up to be off grid if we need it to be sometime in the future.

By the way, excellent youtube video on "How I Steemit" very concise and clear. It can be confusing.

I agree water should be number 1 ! You can stock pile all the food and ammo all you want but if you don't have enough water or a way to purify the water you will not be able to feed your animals or your family. Bottled water will get you thru a few days but will not sustain you long term.

You nailed it again! Resteemit to wake folks up!

Very true if you don't have a lot of water you won't last long. You use it for almost everything you do and take it for granted.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Water water water the key to surving is water good drinkable water. You will need way more that you tihink Ben in emergency conditions. Start with 35 gals and keep adding when you can. Remember to add some bleach o4 reotate you stock regularly. I agree.

That's so true, without water there will be no chance to survive whatever might happen.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Its all about water, no water no life! I have to chuckle we have friend that have cases and cases of MRE's with 10 cases of bottles water. 6 years in the Marine Corp I know thats not enough water to hydrate have of the MRE's they have! You are spot on Water, Water, Water!

Totally agree with you on this one, having a source for fresh water needs to be priority #1. I like your storage methods with the tanks.

I have 25,000 gallons on hand at all times.

anyone thought of just keeping a couple water cones on hand for individuals and a bigger version using a clear plastic sheet and a kiddie pool for catching? most of my plans involve choosing a place that will have water when I get there and stored supplies to get there, hidden in drainage tunnel caches of food water and a weapon or two, most first aid stuff I have on hand and will be the first thing I grab after the bag with food and supplies I have on hand, and a vehicle outside of town, waiting and fueled up already to get to said location, the problem I seem to run into is those who seem seriously worried and working to prepare never want to set a rendezvous point, like they dont understand that groups are what it is going to take to truly survive, there is a reason we are not a solitary race, and there is no top of the food chain animal that is, because that way leads to being wiped out, group animals that break out of the herd mentality to work as a group are the ones that are still around millennia later, and in dominating positions on the food chain, claws thick hide or sheer numbers only serve to provide bounty for the animals that learn to co-opt their group efforts.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Awesome water system. Upvoted and resteemed.

Yes, water is life. It's easy for people to get caught up in the more 'exciting' gadgets and paraphernalia, and forget the most basic things, with water being the most basic. It's a particular challenge for urban dwellers to store water. The Water Bob, allows you to store 100 gallons in your bathtub, and it's BPA-free. Obviously that's not a long-term solution, but it's practical for apartment-dwellers and is better than nothing. It will get you through a pinch.