Dogs scientifically known as Canis lupus familiaris which are found nearly worldwide in culture of most diverse characteristics. They are sometimes called "canines"
which are said to be the first domesticated mammals, thou not naturally wild animals. They are often called "man's best friend" perhaps they were attracted to the hunting camps of early man million yeaes ago. Some are used as pets because they are fluffy, loyal, friendly, playful, and listen to humans. A baby dog is called a pup and is called a puppy until it is about one year old.
Dogs have four legs and make a bark, woof or arf sound. They can smell and hear better than human and can see better in dim light than humans. There are also dogs that are trained to smell for diseases in the human body or to bomb or illegal drugs. These dogs sometimes help police in airports or other areas. They exist in different characteristics and varies in their habitat including prairies, deserts, grasslands, forests, rain forests, coastal regions, and arctic zone. The natural habitat of the wolf is the mountains. They survive by their wits and by those things they learn as part of the wolf pack. The natural habitat of the domestic dog is with humans is "human environment ". They have different lifespans depending on their breeds. An average dogs lives for about 8-15 years. They feed mostly on all food, if not all but they enjoy processed food. Like all carnivores, dogs have a sharp, pointed teeth, and have short gastrointestinal tracts better suited for the consumption of meat.
Consequently, dogs have predators that can hot, hunt or feed on them like coyotes, snakes, congers, raccoons, squirrels, scorpion and so on. Today, there are nearly 500 recognized breeds of domestic dog. Along with cats, dogs are one of the most common pets. They have a unique relationship with humans, and contribute to human society in many ways. Long valved as guards and rescuers, they now work as guides, hearing, service, therapy and companion dogs.