in homesteading •  8 years ago 

If you've been following along for any length of time you have seen me mention our lack of a garden a few times. I am happy to report that is no more! We will have a harvest!


This is actually from one of our organic seed packets we got from Habitat for Humanity. (You can check the post out here: https://steemit.com/homesteading/@minighomestead/saved-almost-usd60-in-seeds)

Technically it's still growing but I feel pretty confident that it will reach maturity. It is however the most expensive cucumber we will have ever eaten. Oh well, what can you do. The future does look promising as we have at least 9 other potential cucumbers and 2 of our 5 tomato plants look like they will have flowers soon. One is FOUR FEET tall!


It took a really long time for this tomato plant to get going so this is quite the achievement for us.


Here's a picture of our other variety of cucumber which should produce any day now.


So what happened? I had basically lost all hope on this years garden but continued to tend to our 5 tomato and 4 cucumber plants. Holding onto the hope that we might get something from them. I also started watering them with duck poo. TMI, I know but you can't homestead and not talk about poo!! When we put our ducks out in their aviary they of course got a small kiddie pool. Every morning I take a 5 gallon bucket and take some of the water, dump the rest and refill. Then I take that water and individually water the plants in the garden. I'm guessing that has a little something to do with our current 'success.' Later on down the line we plan to stream line this process but more on that in our upcoming duck update post!

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Man, I don't know why I haven't been watering with the duck poo! Oh, I know, we dump ours at night so it can soak into our poor dry ground. HahH so many things to water! I'm glad you're getting a bit of a harvest! I'm waiting on a couple 'maters and I am hoping the cucumbers that have survived will make some dukes for me! Please! Haha

Haha I could really dump it anywhere and it would be useful. Our soil has very little organic matter in it but the garden is first priority! Can't wait until we get some stuff done to the yard so they can free range and spread their wonderful poo everywhere :D

My dog eats it all. Haha I have to keep them in paddocks. Stupid dogs. Haha

oh yah mine will too. Currently they lick it off my boots when I come inside but I also have dogs that try to each concrete so they aren't the brightest. Definitely going to have to limit the dog area to cut down on that!

Looks good, you should have a nice harvest soon.

We are very excited!! I think this one is almost ready. It's the sumter variety and in the picture it looks rather short

Looking great! We struggled getting things going this year. The first planting of a lot of things such as our beans did nothing. We ended up replanting some things and finally we are seeing our cucumbers, melons, zucchini, and tomatoes taking off. For some reason we have a green thumb for tomatoes. That is one thing that no matter what, seems to grow great here. We have at least 25 plants this year! I figure if something is working for us we might as well grow plenty of it haha!

Our tomatoes did terrible :/ We planted about 24 and only 5 survived. That was one plant I really wanted to do well since we eat a lot of chili. And the last year I did tomatoes we didn't get a single usable one. We also have potatoes and cantaloupe plants in our compost pile but nothing producing yet.

Wow it really stinks when that sort of thing happens. On the bright side at least you had some survive!

very true! Hoping I'm right and those are flowers about to bloom!