Homesteading Gone Bad!

in homesteading •  8 years ago 

There they go again! I can hear the the animals balking and the donkeys braying. It upsets me to hear the rage and venom that spews from her voice. It also saddens me. The baby goat has her head caught in the fence again.



The women I speak about are two sisters that have never left the homestead. They grew up here on 400 acres and as time has passed sold off most of it until they are down to about 60 acres. Their fields are depleted of nutrients because they do not rotate the goat herd. I have never seen them do any improvements to the property though they certainly have the means to do so.

Life is what you make it. So it is difficult for me to cough up a whole lot of sympathy for the Sister's. Both formally educated, one in fine arts and photography the other in business they have squandered their finest skills. They are well known for their ability to hand weave rugs and table runners. Made from scraps of clothing or material they are gifted on the loom and making quilts as well.

Neither of the Sister's have any teeth as they go to fist a cuffs with each other that can be quite physical. One in particular has a terrible temper. The other no doubt uses her wit. Neither have ever been married and it is unlikely that they would be well without the other sister.


The house is an old one without a formal kitchen. No air conditioning and to my knowledge no heat either. If I didn't allow myself the basic necessities then I too would be a screaming Mimi! It is not my idea of comfort to cuddle up to a stinky goat or a dog that has rolled around in the mud. Though this could be a good cover up when approaching a wild animal without being noticed.


When it comes time to take the goats to the stock yard for the sale, they just put 8 or 10 of them into the back of their PT Cruiser and off they go. I have never seen it first hand but that story comes straight from the horses mouth.

I suppose what saddens me most is what could have been. I can look into the older Sisters eyes and see the beauty she once was. She would have been a fine catch for a good farming man. It bothers me some about the animals too, as I know they are intelligent enough to know proper breeding practices and crop rotation.

There have been plenty of folks that have tried to help only to be punished with a sharp tongue for being nice. So as you read this please don't think too harshly of us as we have fallen victim to the later. It is with great sorrow that I write the reality of some people's "choice" of existence.

Photos courtesy of and text is owned by @mother2chicks

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How heartbreaking.

Very sad isn't it?! The truth is harder to understand than fiction in this case. Thanks for coming by. 🐓🐓

Damn... such a waste.

Some people are just content with misery! Thanks for reading. 🐓🐓

It is the truth! 🐓🐓

They knock each others' teeth out??!!??!!

This has given me great encouragement to continue teaching my girls to take care of each other and do what is best for the other. Yikes.

My sentiments exactly. Leaves me wondering just what happened that encouraged such bad behavior. May you and your girls be forever blessed with love and kindness. 🐓🐓

And you dear friend have found the beauty in them, ponder what their lives could've been, you have a heart that has been touched by these women who many would find avoidable. This speaks volumes of you, I am so proud to be your friend.🌷