Machine Maintenance, Goats, Pig Pen, Homestead Stuff

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

We did the 50 hour service on our Kioti CK2510 and our annual John Deere D105 maintenance. It feels really good to get those machines cleaned up and ready to go and we save a lot of $ doing the work ourselves. Of course, the satisfaction of doing it yourself is priceless. We also upgrade the roof on the ghetto goat house, dry fit the pallet & satellite dish pig pen, and show you some more of the baby goats.

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Not OEM it's cheaper and it worked - you're a capitalist. Maybe Snow and Spider for names? Can't the pallet walls just be square underneath the circular parabola roof? It would be less spacious, but more stable and easier to put together?

Goats are awesome because they eat just about anything.

Ahhh...the blessing and the curse. I've been told that they are actually quite picky about what they eat. So far, they seem to eat most things that present an easy meal.

I could have done the underside square but opted to go a different route. I'm not sure how it will all work out though so maybe being square is in my future. Heck, I've been accused of being "square" so it's already in my present :)