We Got Our Baby Pygmy Goats

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

We instantly fell in love with these little ladies. Baby pygmy goats that need to be bottle fed. Yeah, I didn't think I would have to pick up a baby bottle until we had grandkids. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns. This one happens to be a welcomed one.

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Hopefully, they've had enough colostomy. Pygmies are a really good way to go for milk production for their size. I don't think the fat content is the highest, but it's good enough. If you drink it I think you will like it better than cows milk. This seems like a start of something really good for you and the Family.

Milk plus an awesome pet!

My bad, I stand corrected. Pygmies have the highest fat content at 6-10%. Volume is low one cup to a quart per day. Still though, good bang for the buck. Maybe I should have said billy?

Pug miss are smaller so they’re easier to handle.

We don't consume a lot of milk so these should be ideal for us. The milk is supposed to be good and we should have enough to consume and make cheese/soap.

You're doing everything we want to be doing, I'm so excited, I can't wait till we get to that point!!

w000t! Sharing to show you did it!


I bathed my first baby goats as well haha. It's good they will get lots of attention so they grow up to be gentle & friendly. They're pretty calm in the ride over and arrival that's awesome! Is Dixie part pitbull? They are nanny dogs so they love baby animals, my pit is very protective of baby goats hehe. Cynder & Fae are my oddball name suggestions. Congrats on the new additions! ^_^

We got Dixie from the pound. She is part whippet and some other stuff. Maybe pitbull? Thanks for the names. They are on the list.