in homesteading •  8 years ago 


We are told all the time that living off grid must be so easy and nice. But people don’t take the time to think about every thing that you have to give up. They don’t think about having to watch how much power you are using though out the day. Well maybe this video may help someone that is thinking about living this kind of life. We hope you enjoy it!

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I live off grid as well and most folks have no clue what that really entails. Besides electricity, sanitation and food storage are other huge areas that need immediate attention.

I'm so happy I took the plunge. The only regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner. I waited till my late 50's and it would have be easier, physically, to do the work that is required.

Good luck with your off-grid life!
I applaud you for taking this HUGE step.
Just followed you to keep up to date on your progression.