in homesteading •  7 years ago 

Full STEEM Ahead!

A lot of interesting people are already on steemit. A lot more are joining. Within our steemit ecosystem, we all have roles to play and ideas that we can help make a reality. There are things that we can do to help the entire platform, and things we can be doing to encourage and build up individuals, or certain communities.

Lately, I'm been doing some thinking on how to help out #homesteading community here on steemit. What I am about to share are my specific ideas to help that particular community, but any of your are free to use this as a source of inspiration to do what you can within the steemit ecosystem.

By each of us doing what we can to help others within the steemit community, we can all create a better platform and make this an even more incredible, inviting, and amazing community for us all to be a part of.


At the moment, I am still uploading videos to YouTube. Some videos that I have uploaded there receive a good amount of attention, and one even got more than 7,000 views already, which is this one below on how to accurately identify a Copperhead.

Unfortunately I did not upload it to my own YouTube channel, but at least I put "" in the title. Anyway, since I upload to YouTube and since I mention steemit when I do, I think it'll be a good idea to create a few new video series that focus on different aspects of homesteading. Since a lot of people seem to enjoy homesteading videos on YouTube, it'll point more interested people in our direction here, hopefully beneficially adding to the homesteading community here.

For us, homesteading is not even the goal or destination, but it is the path that we are on, so one of the video series will focus on why we are homesteading. Another series will focus on homestead animals, featuring some that we have already and some that we plan to get eventually. The third series will focus on homestead plants. In each episode I will feature a specific plant that we are planning on using on our homestead and why. Hopefully it'll be a great way to share, encourage, educate, and perhaps draw some people in.


If you check out the #homesteading tag, you will notice that there is a high concentration in the Ozark Mountains and surrounding areas of Arkansas and Missouri. Of course there are some in Texas - like @daddykirbs - and some in Alabama - like @leaving-egypt - but a lot are in my general area of the Ozarks.

That being the case, I think that a #homesteading meetup is in order. However, a lot of us are busy and hard at work. Therefore, I thought that perhaps we could scheduling bi-monthly "work day meetups." The basic idea is that a member of our #homesteading community would offer to host the meetup and have a planned job to do on their homestead. Anyone else interested could come to the meetup and lend a hand. Maybe we will clear some land, weed or plant some gardens, or even build my house. Who knows.

Since some members of the #homesteading community here follow the Friday night to Saturday Night Sabbath rest and others meet on Sundays for church gatherings, scheduling these events may take a bit of effort. Also, while some homesteaders may have the leisure of working from home, others have offsite job demands and work on their homesteads in the mean time. However it works, I look forward to helping build the "real-life" steemit #homesteading community.

Here are just a few that I know of in the general Arkansas/Missouri Area.

@bobbleheadstead - @mericanhomestead - @allforthegood - @bluerthangreen - @clickinchicken - @goatgarden - @ozarkoffgridfam - @awesomehomestead - @steemsilo - @hethur240 - @livingtraditions

If you didn't make this list, please comment below. Also, if you might be interested in having some of us over to help do some work on your homestead, comment below and feel free to mention what work we could possibly get done and what state you are in.


While interacting with other homesteaders on steemit, I plan on helping them out by sharing a variety of plants, seeds, and animals with them. I've already blessed quite a few steemians with plants and seeds, and am looking forward to sharing some animals too. Recently @bobbleheadstead mentioned the possibility of raising hogs in the future. Since I've got a lot of piglets, that seems like a good opportunity. After all, all of my pigs were made possible because of steemit!

Since animal reproduction and plant propagation along with a lot of gardening are going to be a primary focus for me moving forward, and since a lot of homesteaders enjoy trying new plants or plants or animals, it should be a beneficial opportunity.


One of the claims that I make about @papa-pepper is that I am an encourager. I like to share, support and encourage others and help them when they need it. With this wonderful, growing community here on steemit, it is no different. Of course, each of us has limited time, but when we can, we like to help out and support others.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10


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upvoted, resteemed and shared over at that other social media site 😉 in an attempt to get them to jump ship and play with us instead of mark z and his minions 😆😆😆😆😎. looking forward to seeing your progress on this project

Thank you kindly!

I wonder which site you are talking about. I did a calculation about how much fb owes us😄 😁 😆

excellent project , nice

I love this idea!! We're just getting started, but I plan on collecting seeds and I'd be happy to send them to other steemit homesteaders! Currently I have milkweed seeds, but they need to be cold stratified first. I'd also like to start producing videos on what I do know about - cooking, herbal remedies and horses. But I'm a little shy to get in front of the camera. Maybe this is the encouragement I need!

What an awesome idea @papa-pepper!

We represent a slack community called SteemitHomesteaders and currently have 97 like-minded steemit users conversing, sharing ideas, and otherwise getting to know each other better. We have multiple channels spanning a wide variety of topics, a community steemit page, custom group tag, curation trail, and even a voting bot to support our users!

More information about our community can be found here:

And here's the link to join fellow homesteaders, gardeners, preppers, farmers, permaculturists, and other like-minded individuals on our slack community:

Hope to see you there!

This is such a great idea! I have been involved in the Homesteading community on social media for years and years! This past year a began making YouTube videos and met a lot of great people that way. Then a few months ago I joined Steemit! No looking back now! This is a great group of community minded people! I have been mentioning steemit in many of my videos and started a Facebook group called Homesteading on Steemit that has now over 80 people who have joined Steemit with our help. @bobbleheadstead is an admin with me. I feel very passionate about spreading knowledge and teaching people to homestead and now encouraging people to join steemit. I wish I lived closer to you because we would definitely help on a project together! Thank you for your help at spreading the homestead dream!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Some excellent ideas here @papa-pepper. Real-life homesteading meetups and work days will definitely help build the community.

Alas I am a bit too far away to join in as I'm over in Wales in the UK. Homesteaders are still thin on the ground here - particularly those of the steemit variety.

You might find the list of Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit useful for connecting with other homesteaders.

The list is now on the 8th edition with over 200 on it :

Please excuse me for putting this link on your post comments but I do think it will be helpful for what you are talking about here.

I have another 20 or so to go on the next edition. I'll publish it now if it will be useful.

Okay @papa-pepper I'm in! I have a top secret project I'm working on and help would rock! We are also looking at getting into some rabbits and pigs. Well I mean real pigs not the fake ones we have aka potbelly pigs. But we would love to pick your brain about the two animals because we know that you know a lot about them.

I've got both and would love to share. We should get together soon.

Great post papa-pepper! I have been wanting to do some kind of a seed exchange thru Steemit, along with some other things I am looking at. Getting together as a community is what makes life worth living. We have a society where everybody has their face in a computer, phone or t.v., and anything that could bring us together face to face is awesome. Being in the Northwest, I wont be able to make it to the Ozark gatherings, but you guys getting together would be awesome. We had a workday here at our homestead Labor Day really brings friends and community together.

Ill be in the nw next month, what area are you in?

northcentral Idaho

What is a seed exchange? Sounds interesting. Like real seeds and not monsanto? Thanks so much for this. I hope you have a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL day!!! 😄 😁 😆

Technically a seed exchange is where people get together and trade seeds. I guess this would be more of a place where you could trade or sell seeds. I am not sure how it is going to work yet. Got some ideas. I would like it so that it is more than that...maybe sell anything you do on the homestead, or cattle...etc.

Would it be an online exchange. I like where you are going with this. Makes sense! 😀 😃 😄

I know this...where there is a will there is a way.

I agree with you. We are capable of more than we think.

You make me so proud to call you friend. If I go back to Springfield Missouri to visit; I'll let you know. I would love to meet you and help in anyway I can. We are getting ready to plan the seeds you sent. With the hurricane, I'm glad I waited.l the garden was pretty beat up. What are your thoughts on having a channel in MSP Palnet dedicated to homesteading? People can meet chat, voice chat, or maybe have your own show on our radio?

Hey @kubbyelizabeth, check out - It's an existing Slack community of Steemit Homesteaders. Lots of activity going on over there! :)

Thanks for sharing that is cool!

Wow! That sounds pretty cool. Not familiar with any of that myself, but it sounds intriguing.

Thanks, I think we are pretty cool. I would love to show you what I mean, kinda like a virtual tour. You can join me here Just ping me by typing @kubbyelizabeth. Or message me in chat, talk to you soon.

I love the idea of a Homesteading channel!

Woohoo we are gaining traction already!

Yes! Absolutely! I think we should make it happen!

I agree!

I have gotten my chicken and poultry expert/rescue friend to join Steemit. HAving a channel to hang out on PALNet might help me get her on there also!

You teach me so much there, did you give any thoughts to that post I suggested. My pencil is harped and my note pad is ready for note taking!

Thinking on it, but tight on time. I travel to the US to visit my parents in a few weeks for a 3 week trip... with my dog... and have a huge to do list before I go. So it's in my head but don't have time to get further yet.

You are coming to visit me too? Where in the US are traveling to? PLEASE SAY Florida, PLEASE SAY FLORIDA!

No, sorry. PA where I come from.

Lots of sadness....

I am a web developer. Let me know if you need my help. I'm in, even though I have very little free time.

A web developer? And here I thought that you were @justamother!

lol, I'm @justamother, but also working as a front-end web developer

This is a great idea. People like you make the powers in the world angry with all your being nice and building up the community. lol. Keep it up man. You are the kind we are here to meet. Any way we can help just let us know. I'm gonna resteem this post for sure.

Thanks for that. On a side note, did you already buy a chainsaw to replace the one that got stolen or can I purchase one for you?

@papa-pepper, I don't have a lot of cash, but I could send you some SBD to help with the chainsaw.

WOW! We bought a new one and that was right after we had to put a new roof on the house. lol. But we are doing fine. The Father always provides for us. Your offer is astounding and I am humbled by it. Your concern for strangers is noted and you will always be in our prayers.

Thank you for that. Same here.

Like David against Goliath.

@originalworks thank you for this, My wife and I plan to homestead now that the daughter leaves to college in a year.... looking forward to being part of the community.

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Glad to hear it!

This is an excellent idea! Great post. Encouragers are always appreciated! You can keep your copperhead. And if you make it up here, maybe you can wrangle the one that's been hanging around behind our barn. Eek.

Snake removal is a service that I offer. First one is free, 3 STEEM each after that!

Lol! A very fair rate to be sure :)

I once removed more than 50 snakes from a single property. That would have gotten expensive!

I live in a very snakeless place... I didn't even think 50 snakes could be found within walking distance of one another! Was this an incredibly large property? Papa pepper at it again schooling me :)

Nope, just an abandoned place some people purchased.

Great ideas @papa-pepper, we're fortunate to have you as one of our flagship contributors, I honestly don't know how you find the time, but glad that you do!!!

I saw that you said "flag" and I got scared. I was thinking, "Okay, I'll have a homesteading meetup in the Northeast too, just don't flag me over it!"

When are you going to come to the Pacific Northwest to personally start the group in this area?

Good ideas, though. We're hoping to buy some land and start making it happen in the next year or 2.


Great to see prepper/homesteaders on Steemit. I'm shooting for 2019 as my land buying Year!

Hopefully we can help get you there!

Great idea @papa-pepper. There are many layers to this gathering of community. What a beautiful way to bring people together, helping and supporting. I commend your efforts and all the great opportunities you bring to Steemit. Thanks for being you, and doing what you do! We will be supporting you from here all the same!

Sounds as if you're living the dream with all those critters, plants & family!

I have a dream of an Earthship house & a symbiotic garden. Someday!

Do you ever have seed sales? To me seeds give me a sense of security & I've been planning to stock up on some heirloom & heritage varieties to quiet the voices in my head.
(I've got prepper genes that need stored food, water options & seeds to feel safe)

Wish I could do the homestead thing, excited to other people following those dreams.

I mostly just give seeds away, since I basically save my own for free.

Just a little funny for ya here first. I have a touch screen computer and I was reading this post and when I got down to the bottom of it and looking at the papa pepper Accept no Substitutes, a moth landed on the upvote button on the screen and upvoted you! Now if I can just get a story out of that! Lol!
You see I live in a strawbale house and here in the desert, we have bugs! Love it. Just thought I'd share that with you in this reply.

I feel you! I live here in Cochise County Arizona, which is in the southeastern corner of the state and consider myself a homesteader. Like I mentioned I have a 2,000 sq. ft. strawbale house that I bought unfinished and have almost finished it. I was thinking about doing a series on strawbales here on Steemit in the coming weeks and months. I'm only a 3 week old minnow, but I have been drawn into this community and have already published some short stories and the like.
Thanks for all the content you provide. I noticed you were a writer and read one of your chapters of Love Like His and it is well written, but I had no idea what was going on since I don't know the story, so I'll have to wait until it comes out in paperback!
Please forgive me if this is presumptive of me, but as a new Steemian, and seeing you are a writer too, I would like to leave you a link of a short story I wrote a couple nights ago for one of the interpretive writing contests that @steemit-virus sponsors. It is only around 1000 or so words but it it was well received in the writing page as it went trending, and was featured in @archage Hit Parade. it was 5th in the pending payout category. So I'm Stoked!
If you have a moment to read it, I would certainly appreciate it. Again if it is improper of me to ask this of you unsolicited, please let me know.
BTW I did enter in the @papa-pepper haiku contest as well!

I'll check it. Thanks for the link. Your life sounds interesting too.

That's a great idea. To bad I don't have a homestead and I don't live in the Ozarks area. But if I can help in anyway please let me know. I do know about farming and am willing to do what I can to be supportive.

Thanks, I'll be sending your seeds soon!

Looking forward to the seesds. Myboss likes it when I talk to her about seeds we never heard of before.

I'll send a few other ones then!

yay. Thank you

@papa-pepper you are doing a great job for society!
Thanks for sharing

I am glad that you are making it happen.
Things just work so much better when you have a group of people working on all these things.

BTW, do you have a set of plans for your home-stead house yet?

No I do not. I just ground the last stump tonight in preparing the house site, so now we need to figure out what exactly we are building...

Does your county require approved architectural plans before you start building?

I used to draw plans for a living.

Don't think so.

G'day. Hey, don't forget us Aussies! There's a few of us that do the #homesteading thing.

(I must do some more posts in there)

I wasn't forgetting any of you, just harder to send an animal or help out in person, but you can still watch the videos and be encouraged!

G'day. That was just a bit of Aussie sarcasm. I watch a lot of your stuff and enjoy it all!

Great video!!! I have many copperheads on my property. They aren't always brown though. I saw one the other day that was different shades of grey. It was resting by a similar colored stick and I almost stepped on it, yikes. The two dots on top threw me for a minute, until I saw it's copper colored head. Of course it's hiding it in the leaves come picture time and I wasn't gonna hang around.

I've told folks the pattern looks like Hershey Kisses too. Glad to hear you describe it like that, so easy to remember.

Nice that you know what you are dealing with!

Be careful!!

Good work and always be happy..!❤️🌸
keep it up

Good plant @papa-pepper

I'm no homesteader, but I love the idea of a meetup for education via Steemit! We are so lucky here in the Ozarks to have so many opportunities and resources at our fingertips; it's just a matter of utilizing those opportunities and our time. I was raised in a very poor family of eight and "homesteading" was more of a requirement than a lifestyle choice for my parents. They worked so hard to provide, but then I know that they also enjoyed the fruits of their labor as well! As an adult, I've gradually fallen into the typical lifestyle of working 40 hours a week, eating fast food and boxed meals, etc. @jasonrussell and I do grow a small vegetable garden in the summer, we compost our biodegradable waste and use it in the garden. We do quite a bit of canning with our small harvests and what our friends and families share from their gardens. I know that these are small steps, but I would love to learn more and get back to my roots as my parents raised me! "Motivation" was a great tag for this post because you and so many other Steemians have motivated me to start making gradual changes that will have a long-term benefit for my family. I guess as many say, "Be the change that you want to see."

I can't wait to see you guys again. Glad to hear how encouraged you are by others in the community. Each step that we take into being more involved with our food supply and the world around us is one more step in the right direction!

I know that you're an incredibly busy guy, but you and/or the family are always welcome to visit us here in Missouri! There is so much natural beauty and of course, tons of fun wildlife and critters to check out. We would be happy to be your local tour guides if you ever have time to make it out our way! :) I will definitely stay tuned to see if you can arrange a homesteading/nature/sustainability themed meetup. We would absolutely love to be a part of it!!!

I second this, would love to learn!! and would love to meet more steemers close to home!!!

What a privilege to grow up in that kind of environment.

Nice project and great post. Very inspiring @papa-pepper

Thanks! Glad that you appreciate it!

Yeah @papa-pepper, ur welcome

Excellent idea @papa-pepper. Great post.

Its cool to see your plans starting to take shape. "Not the goal or the destination but it's the path" Something to live by.

Thanks for that conversation Brother!

Keep up the good work!!

This is awesome. Good luck.

How to be you @papa-pepper LOL

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I'm all in to help however I can. I love this idea. Thanks for the mentions also. I will be getting ready for some piglets as soon as possible, still waiting to sell my place in Illinois.

@rockybrookfarm is another new Steemian in that area. I stopped by @awesomehomestead the last time I drove from Illinois to Arkansas. It's great meeting people in real life that you've found online through like-minded interests, at least it was for me. I've been active on YouTube for a couple years and have interacted with all kinds of like-minded homesteaders/gardeners/preppers/homeschoolers/dreamers etc. :) I'll think about what I can do to help in that arena also. Idaho seems to rule on YouTube with our crowds, but the Ozarks and nearby are representing fine on Steemit. :)

Some get togethers for a purpose is a great idea for work fun or both. I'm a former hotel manager for Marriott, so if I can help out in the coordination/planning I'd be happy to. Another good aspect of that type of networking is bartering or trading whatever we each might have to offer. Little swap meets when we get together, which can also include anybody on Steem that wants to join in. And I still like the idea of a peach picking meet-up next year.

That's cool to get the ball rolling with this. Monday holidays? October 9 is Columbus day. Friday November 10 is Veterans day if you're looking for days some might have off instead of Sat/Sun. A mix of days and if you can't make one, maybe we'll get you the next time around? I'd love to host something as soon as I'm more ready to do that, but I'll help in the mean time.

Dude, you need to stop by again

Yes I do. As soon as I sell this place I'll make a plan.

Killer! Hopefully you'll get to meet my dad!

Bro, im so in! Anything i can do to help jist let me know....

Actually i know of one major project that needs done. A homesteading friend who lives in northern Arkansas is about to lose his homestead because he has been too sick to work in and out of hospitalizations. If there is any way we could help him, it could drastically improve his life.

Sounds good, let's start working on putting it together.

Lovely work
Salute u
Upvoted and resteem

Thanks @papa-pepper I want to find out more. Just because something looks like an apple doesn't mean it has all the nutrients that an apple should have. My main question has always been how do you get rid of pests without pesticides.

Hi papa-pepper...had gone through your post..its very encouraging ..I appreciate the effort you are putting for raising the animals so that in future you can be a supplier of it.nice to see that you are motivating a particular community of steemit by showing the techniques...

I'm so excited about this! I know of a few steemians in my area that would love to help. I'll get them on board as well. Thanks so much for the mention! It's an honor to be a part of all this.

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Sep 20. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $24.68 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 20 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Hey, @papa-pepper! This sounds like a wonderful idea. Homesteaders helping out other homesteaders. Builds a better community. I hve been thinking about this a lot. You have a built in group in your area. But what about us yhat are a little further a field? What about those who are isolated? Just some thoughts..

I also wanted to ask, have you considered using DTube?

Love that you are doing this!! We have done quite a few permablitz events in San Diego - same idea. Get together and do a project. Here, many of the people coming are complete newbies so I found it important to be very clear what the project is and what all the steps are.
Looking forward to your posts on the homestead meetups!
I want to recommend a podcast for you. These two build an off-grid house, working the land, raising their kids on the homestead. If you start with the first episode, they go through the whole process of building the house, farm, and nursery

I think all that sounds like a great idea idea. I am interested in observing how you will set up these meetups. I don't like you find more people in area somehow!

It's so generous of you to share your over abundance and help fellow Homesteaders get started! Sharing is a big deal!

I see others have mentioned seed exchanges s I think i think thats something I'd be interested in see how it can get it set up and going through them Steemit!

Have a great day!

I've spent the past few days reporting more abuse on Steemit than I have writing my own articles and it's frustrating. That's why seeing this article and remembering that most Steemians are trying to better the community is so encouraging. In response to this article, I've made my own promise to the homesteading community. Thank you for all you do!

@papa-pepper still hard at work!!

Always! Thanks!

And as always, you are welcome my friend!

Great post... What kind of seeds/plants do you offer? Love the concept!

Whatever I've got!

Some good ideas here papa, I think local meetups is a huge aspect of steemit that is starting to catch on. The idea of meeting other steemians and making the real life connection does a lot in terms of strengthening the bonds. When you get a group of people together, information flows freely and problems are solved collectively. I see the meetups and #homesteading as a big part of future success here on steemit

Thanks man! I agree!

I think a meetup would be good. Might get some people that are curious about homesteading to start out on a path to homesteading.

Great post! Upvoted, and resteemed! We should do some Meetup events. Don't forget Oklahoma!

Very cool!! You are definitely a trendsetter here!! Thanks for all you do!!
My homestead is in the Caribbean. Hoping to spend more time there in 2018!!

Maybe I'll have to drop in down there!

No maybes, and we have room for the whole family!!

I just found out snakes poop LOL! Who would've guessed ahah.

great idea

wow cool!

We are not in the Ozarks but anything we can do in Southern KY, we will!

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 119 comments

That sounds like a wonderful idea. Reminds me of the Omish. I love the way their community is set up. I love technology too much though.

You are such an inspiration!!💕

Very great ideas sir. I think the idea of building a community is very important. I love your page

I love the generosity and sharing nature of the homesteading community in general. It's wonderful how it's extended into this more virtual world here on steemit too! I'm a bit isolated over here in Australia, so it's nice to have a way to connect here.

Good post


So, I just discovered Steemit today, and I'm obsessed. I LOVE, love, love the idea of seed sharing. I collect and save heirloom seeds of all kinds, but I don't personally know anyone else who's interested. I'd be happy to share and trade with this community!