in homesteading •  7 years ago 

Today I finally got around to helping my neighbor with his pigs again.

Since he's still new at it and since I used to raise pigs, he wanted my semi-expert assistance. Thankfully, the little female piglet that was previously having an issue has healed up. The mother and her four piglets all seem to be doing well, and the neighbors are enjoying having them on their homestead. Today I tried to teach the neighbor about a few things pertaining to the young male piglet, but the guy didn't really have the stomach for it, so I guess it is good that I was there. After the "help," I spent a while taking some photos too, so I could share their progress with all of you. I'll include some of the earlier photos for size comparison. Enjoy!


These photos were taken about four weeks ago. These are from just after the piglets were born, within about 48 hours of birth.


Compared to a month ago, you can see that these little piggies are growing very well! Also, their mama is really fat too! LOL!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



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Mighty neighborly of you. My brother in law is the pig whisperer. He usually has 15-30 at all times...

Just found out your blog. Followed immediately!
They look so interesting actually, very different to which I have seen, you must have had a great time and they are growing with lighting speed indeed.

It's always a good thing to offer a helping hand. Weldone sir. The piglet are growing indeed.
You are a good man. You are always ready to help, just yesterday you put up a challenge to help @arbitrarykitten
You are my role model and my mentor

Wooh this animal look sound and healthy @papa-pepper you are really trying

Same thoughts here! You changed my doubt.. I for one do not raise pigs, never have, but always admire the fact that some can do so neatly as you do. This is motivating. Welldone to you, and nice piglets 🐽.. They're 'cute' and healthy looking..

Wow I Am so afraid to that animal.
In my garden I often see that but I run very quick

Oh no! That sounds horrible.

beautifull animals photpography here @papa-pepper really awsome
i love this click thank you sir

Don't mention! There's sufficient kismet to be finished in crop growing mainly in view of our crowded inhabitants and chubby market, we no more than should to believe the initiative and explore these opportunities. The sky is the limit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The piglets have really grown. Well-done @papa-pepper. Homesteading and helping others to better living is what you enjoy to do. I love that

Good morning sir..
Thank you for yesterday..
And how kind of you taking care of these cute little pigs.. I wish I could also rare animals.. And connect with them..

I like all animals, and am glad to help others out.

it turns out the fence you built yesterday for this huh?

They are getting larger. I wanted to let you know to beware. There is a scam going on in steemit and I fell victim to it. I wrote about it in my blog yesterday. They wiped out 663.843 of my SBD and traced it to three locations mostly Romania. Be wary. Blessings - Troy PS My upvote was trashed too because they exceeded the bandwidth or else I would upvote.

Really? That's terrible. Thanks for the heads up!

This pigs are fast growing, I love seeing this move around it reminds me of when I was rearing pigs, early in the morning I love seeing how they eat food.

The baby ones are adorable and you must me like the best neighbor, your always helping people out and thinking about others. Your wife and kids must be so proud of you, I'm not on your level yet but I sure hope one day I'm close. I look forward to your next post keep it up @pappa-pepper

Thanks man. I do try to bless and help others when I can, and I think it is a good example to set.

Your welcome and it's a very good example to set no doubt.

Piglets again??????? Hahaahaha Papa-pepper all over animals. Lol. I did my man crush monday post yesterday. Looks like @papa-pepper will be my next man crush.. Hahahahaha welldone Sir

Thanks very much! We've certainly got animals all over!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yea.... Obviously with your updates. Weldone. Please are you on any discord channel Sir? I'll like to be part of it

The wounded pig yesterday which is @papa-pepper.
What is healed as before.

cute piglets

Do you or your neighbor make bacon?

We don't, but I am working on some lamb chops.

lamb chops even better!

"Antikristo" method of cooking lamb

Nice photography
You are always kind, helping someone here again. You've given yourself to helping others and charity. it pays
Piggery is a form animal husbandry that I like because of the financial potential.

Lovely post wish to know the breed of this pigs they look so nice thanks @papa-pepper this also help me in my field to know more about animals

pig family 😃

I bet you aren't that little pigs best friend after your visit today.
If he knew what effect your visit would have you had better be careful when he grows up.
Here, for lambs, the younger, sharp-toothed blokes do the job with their teeth, something to think of for your future.
The ones that slide down the throat are called 'Prairie Oysters' and after a days work save going to the cookhouse for tea.

Yeah, he didn't know what was coming, and there's certainly going to be no "prairie oysters" for me. The chickens probably wound up with these ones.

All those lambs are coming, odds are half male, lots of tucker coming up.
The experts are divided whether to chew or swallow whole, it is a matter of mind over matter.

I’ve always found pigs kinda cute with their big ears covering their eyes lol. I also heard they are very intelligent animals and some people keep them as pets and they know how to protect their house.

I wish to get a camera of your specifications. The images are just too good. Nice pig and piglets, they look well taken cared of.
well done

They look just like their momma!

That they do!

This is lovely sir seen this kind of pig they look good and healthy

Wow!!! You always take me by surprise. it's piggery today. I just learnt that pigs can be good looking as this if they are well taken cared of. Here, pigs look dirty and sometimes irritating but this shows they can be attractive. wonderful photograohy

Pig are good domestic animal to rear because of the financial part weldon papa

your post is very good and I like it, I'm very glad when you stop in my post, if you do not want anything too because I'm quite happy if we become better friends receive

pig farming is profitable because they are highly prolific u have made me to remember back in the days where I did my training I was opportuned towork in pigery department where I particpated in castration process, its a very ugly sight but if u want them to grow big in no time castration is recommended we also did some vaccinations on piglets, u castrate wen dey re piglets when they are 2 weeks old because since they are tender u can hold them nd it wont be more painful since they are tender is a lovely experience. @paper-pepper

They filled up their wrinkly skin pretty fast. You're a good neighbor!

Just call me "Statefarm!"


Papa you are amazingly good at homesteading. Keep it up and for those 🐷 pigs I will say they have really grown compared to before.

The difference is clearly seen in those pictures


Nice post bro

you are great and good, like to share with people in need. maybe in steemit you also love to share, suppose willing to share my vote value with me, because I really need. thank you

I helped a friend out by watching his farm for a month. 7 big pigs and 4 babies. A whole new experience for me but after a few day they got to know me and we made friends. Could not believe he raised them for the BBQ. .....We are not friends anymore.

Most of the pigs are corralled here but the piglets run free. Those little buggers race through my place. The only reason I have a fence is to keep animals from coming in the place and eating the good stuff! And to keep our own livestock in!

Chicken, goats and cows. I am even toying around getting a water buffalo.
I was waiting for you to show the part your neighbor didn’t have the stomach for!

That was very kind of you Papa-pepper. Hope your efforts Was appreciated by Your neighbor. Keep the good work sir

Nice of you
Pig from my part of the word are Seen as dirty animals and people don't go near them.

From this my orientation is changed about pigs
But I don't know if I should consider keeping them.... Thanks @papa-pepper

Are you in anyway from Nigeria ? Dont let that discourage you as there is ready made available market for pigs. I keep goats but have general knowledge of the market.
The only little challenge is that not all religion eat pork. If you're really interested, send me message through steemchat, I will be glad to help.

Hahaha i was just about typing that too @mittymartz till i saw yours.

@seento i'm from Nigeria, and that's the mentality. Thanks for offering help, i will consider too

Don't mention! There's enough fortune to be made in Agriculture especially considering our teeming population and large market, we only need to take the initiative and explore these opportunities. The sky is the limit.

Yes, i believe. Especially here in Nigeria, agriculture is taking over gradually. I'll keep this in mind. Thank you sir

That is cool that you keep goats. We are focusing on goats and sheep more now.

Thanks for your replies

I will think about it but I am really interested in the pigs.... From what am seeing it really nice to have them around

And they can be productive

Alright. I would ensure I visit your blog often to get updates, learning a thing or two would go a long way. Happy Farming

Nice little ones.the males has to be castrated if not used in breeding because their meat has an upleasant smell and taste when cooked.

"help' huh?
did you use rubber bands or old school?

I think they are very happy, judging by their faces))). Lovely brood!

wow amazing the pig mains its so amazing big @ papa-pepper where you get it is amazing.

It's been a long time have seen such a fat pig. Guess they are all well fed.
@papa-pepper always giving lecture on animal husbandry. I learn everyday from your post, maybe in the future if i decide to rear animals too. I would have gotten more than just a tip from your post

Very delicious when cooked

Wow.. I have piggry farm too. I started with 2 inpig and i have 9winners . maybe i need your skills to make more healthy like yours.

Oh my God.. These piglets grew so fast.. @papa-pepper you are really trying.👍

You are a great man @papa-pepper. I wishni could learn some of your skills from you.

I hope @arbitrarykitten has gotten some more help about her damaged cryptojeep?

As promised, i have shared a post for her and i'll send all SBD on the post to her

That's a big mama pig there :) You say the neighbor didn't have the "stomach" for it with the male piglet ? If you don't mine sharing what exactly was it about that which caused him to feel that way ??

As always thanks @papa-pepper for your Content

beautiful photos, very good content and totally likeable guy! proud to start being your follower!

I like your heart Papa. You never shy away from helping people. Well done sir.
The pigs are growing at a faster rate. The mother is really huge, wow.

Yeah, that mama got HUGE for sure!

I am impressed sir.

owo animals are really very beautifull @papa-pepper
thanks for shareing beautifull moments with us


It is nice to see the pigs doing so well. Don't you miss having them around?

Es la crianza del imspector? Va si que son adorables

Hahahaaaaa.apakah ini babi.lucu bangat ,saya menyukainya.