in homesteading •  5 years ago 

We do NOT throw stuff like this away!

Around here, we like to view everything as a resource. Being green and reducing our carbon footprints become byproducts of our lives, and our decisions help reduce the cost of living too. In this video we discuss a few of the beneficial uses that we have for our garden waste. It's definitely not trash or garbage, and we hope that what we hare can inspire others to make the most of everything too! Enjoy!


Until next time…

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The CooperFelix-Multiservices Cooperative Society is a company that deals with the natural disposal of waste from private gardens and public parks by reselling to individuals and consortia the natural fertilizer resulting from the disposal procedure that I take the name of Compost. We invite users to join and support the CooperFelix project with the crowdfunding campaign on the Fundition platform.

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Wellness Is Green


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We don't even call it "waste" - deliberately!! We call it green recycling. "Mama, were do you want the green recycling put today?" It's important to teach kids by using different words, I think.

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About 80% of our halm material goes to compost. Otherwise it gets fed to the critters on our farm. The rabbits love corn stalks! If there are too many stalks after the bunnies have had their treats, we put the rest through a chipper-shredder to make scratch bedding for the chickens. Or it gets used as a cover mulch in the garden somewhere.