Although the pace has slowed a little new homesteaders and preppers are appearing on steemit everyday.
We are now up to 150 !!
The addition of location grouping has proved popular so that is being continued with this edition.
Texas and Florida are still out in the lead with 10 each on the list. North Carolina is still in the running, and Canada is now making a good showing.
If anyone hasn't declared their location on their profile and would like it adding to the list let me know. Specifics aren't needed - just state or region will be fine.
To further aid with networking amongst Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit @greenacrehome has set up a SteemitHomesteaders group on Slack. It is very easy to use and a great way to chat with other homesteaders and preppers. Click this link to join :
Here is the latest list of homesteaders and preppers. My apologies if I have missed anyone from the list that has already contacted me - just post in the comments again. Or if you know anyone else who should be on the list let me know.
Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit (v6) :
- Body Matrix @bodymatrix [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- christa @christa [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nolnocluap @nolnocluap [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- The Homestead Life @thehomesteadlife [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Duck Ponds Farm @duckpondsfarm [ Australia, Queensland ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Brian @thelifeofbrian [ Canada ] [ May-2017 ]
- robmc @robmc [ Canada ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- leemlaframboise @leemlaframboise [ Canada, Manitoba ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Lyndsay Bowes @lyndsaybowes [ Canada, Nova Scotia ] [ Sep-2016 ]
- Erinia @erinia22 [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- gardengirlcanada @gardengirlcanada [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- steemtobefree @steemtobefree [ Canada, Saskatchewan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- jolly-homestead @jolly-homestead [ Canada, western ] [ May-2017 ]
- Alex E.B. Trapp @ecoinstant [ Colombia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- David Koblos @stortebeker [ Mexico ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Flatrider @flatrider [ Netherlands ] [ May-2017 ]
- madein-hisimage @madein-hisimage [ New Zealand ] [ May-2017 ]
- Cody @codypanama [ Panama ] [ May-2017 ]
- AspiePrepper @aspieprepper [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- eggmeister @eggmeister [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- Geordie Prepper @geordieprepper [ UK, Newcastle ] [ Dec-2016 ]
- Pennsif @pennsif [ UK, Wales ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- ajain @ajain [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- Country Musing @countrymusing [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Prepper @countryprepper [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- FreedomAcres @freedomacres [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- knowledge-seeker @knowledge-seeker [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MiniSteading @ministeading [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Papa Pepper @papa-pepper [ USA ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Sheepdog Man @sheepdogman [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- StoneHouse Homestead @stonehouse [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- clickinchicken @clickinchicken [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Garden of the Goats @goatgarden [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Kiara Antonoviche @kiaraantonoviche [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Scott Ireland @sireland [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Primal Resist @primalresist [ USA, southeast ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- weetreebonsai @weetreebonsai [ USA, southern state ] [ May-2017 ]
- Steemit Homesteading @homesteader [ USA, Appalachians ] [ May-2017 ]
- AnAmericanHomestead @mericanhomestead [ USA, Ozarks ] [ May-2017 ]
- SimpleLifeHomestead @slhomestead [ USA, Ozarks ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Elew @elew [ USA, Rockies ] [ May-2017 ]
- Cog Hill Farm @coghill [ USA, Alabama ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- goforgreenliving @goforgreenliving [ USA, Alabama ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- My Alaska Dream @myalaskadream [ USA, Alaska ] [ May-2017 ]
- allforthegood @allforthegood [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- BLUER than Green @bluerthangreen [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Bobblehead Homestead @bobbleheadstead [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- sarkhomestead @sarkhomestead [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Anwen Baumeister @anwenbaumeister [ USA, California ] [ Jun-2016 ]
- jayjayjeffery @jayjayjeffery [ USA, Colorado ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- lone-sliver @lone-sliver [ USA, Colorado ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Coffee time @coffeetime [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Life @realistnews [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Farm and Adventure @farmandadventure [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- hewetthomestead @hewetthomestead [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- mccreahomestead @mccreahomestead [ USA, Florida ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- mother2chicks @mother2chicks [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Radio KAOS @radiokaos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- ResistanceMedic @resistancemedic [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- trippinsaputos @trippinsaputos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- VeganSilverStack @vegansilverstack [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Basics To Living @basicstoliving [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Fluster Farm @flusterfarm [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MGeorgianHomestead @minighomestead [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Uncle Mike @unclemike [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Wholesome Roots @wholesomeroots [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- HVS @volcanosquad [ USA, Hawaii ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Wavemaster @wavemaster [ USA, Hawaii ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Alice Marie @alicemarie [ USA, Illinois ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Harold Thornbro @sthomestead [ USA, Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- minigrowl @minigrowl [ USA, Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Carpenterbee @carpenterbee [ USA, Iowa ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- 1919homesteader @farmhomestead19 [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- High Tech Homestead @hths [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Serenity Valley Farm @svfarms [ USA, Kentucky ] [ May-2017 ]
- bctruck @bctruck [ USA, Lousisana ] [ May-2017 ]
- Amber @amberyooper [ USA, Michigan ] [ May-2017 ]
- GoldenD's Homestead @goldendawne [ USA, Michigan ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Homestead Dad @homesteaddad [ USA, Michigan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- J&J Acres @jandjacres [ USA, Mississippi ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- agsurrection @agsurrection [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- BackRdAdventures @backrdadventures [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Sufficientliving @sufficientliving [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- mtgoat @mtgoat [ USA, Montana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Rivers Edge @riversedge [ USA, Montana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bradys @bradys [ USA, Nebraska ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Backstage @backstage [ USA, Nevada ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Iridium242 @iridium242 [ USA, Nevada ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TEOTWAWKI Man @teotwawkiman [ USA, Nevada ] [ May-2017 ]
- bchick @bchick [ USA, New Hampshire ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- b-n-angel @b-n-angel [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Chris Florio @florio [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- Green Acre Homestead @greenacrehome [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- Off Grid Nation @offgridnation [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Prepared Suburbanite @prepsub [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Pyramid John @foodisfree [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Sir Cork @sircork [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Big Family Homestead @bfhomestead [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- Dr. Prepper @drprepper [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- Bill and Rosa @billandrosa [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- EngineerPrepper @engineerprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ May-2017 ]
- Oily's Humble Home @oilyshumblehome [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- theoklaprepper @theoklaprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Farmstead @farmstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Haphazard Homestead @haphazard-hstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Beyond Mountains @beyondmountains [ USA, Pennsylvania ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Hollywood @hollywoodsfarm [ USA, Pennsylvania ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- solarparadise @solarparadise [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- wbrianjolly @wbrianjolly [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- My Lil Homestead @mylilhomestead [ USA, Tennessee ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Better Together @bettertogether [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Daddykirbs @daddykirbs [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- DeaconTom @deacontom [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- Everitt Mickey @everittdmickey [ USA, Texas ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- katedansyng @katedansyng [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Prairie Hawk Jenn @jenncapestany [ USA, Texas ] [ Oct-2016 ]
- Silversmyth @silversmyth [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TheTexasBoys @texasboys [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- The Toasted Rabbit @toastyrabbits [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TXbogey @txbogey [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bthomson @bthompson [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- prep4shtf @prep4shtf [ USA, Virginia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- saved4newlife @saved4newlife [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Southern Va Patriot @timmo3663 [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Leafhopper Farm @leafhopperfarm [ USA, Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Rain Country @raincountry [ USA, Washington State ] [ May-2017 ]
- RaisingSawyer @raisingsawyer [ USA, Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nicholasj @nicholasj [ USA, Wisconsin ] [ May-2017 ]
- B @brdapwll [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- gulfcoastprepper @gulfcoastprepper [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Ken King @stacking9mm [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- survivalist.com @survivalist.com [ USA? ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- TeeRx @teerx [ USA? ] [ Feb-2017 ]
- warnerhomestead @warnerhomestead [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- Arte Della Vita @artedellavita [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bellhomestead @bellhomestead [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- ClarkFarmstead @clarkfarmstead [ ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Guide Prepper @guide.prepper [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- habzhomestead @habzhomestead [ ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- LazyPrepper @lazyprepper [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MiniSteading @ministeading [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nefey1117 @nefey1117 [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- newprepper @newprepper [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- NowhereHomestead @nowherehomestead [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- preparedwombat @preparedwombat [ ] [ Apr-2017 ]
- quietacres @quietacres [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Siloé Oliveira @siloe [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Simply 7 Living @simply7living [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- So Guided @guided [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- waykiwayki @waykiwayki [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
If you found this post useful or interesting please do upvote, resteem and follow. Thank you.
You might also be interested in a couple of my recent posts :
I would like to be added to the list, represent the Pacific NW!
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Hi @flemingfarm, nice to meet you. You are now on the list.
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Wow 150 people and growing!
I'd like to be added to the list - I'm from Denmark.
Now, I'll mosey off to follow all the people. I can't wait to learn from all of you and get to know you.
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Hi @frugallady you are on the list - the only representative from any of the Scandinavian countries so far.
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That is both cool and a little sad. Here's to more Scandinavians.
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Excellent list, thanks for sharing! I have also resteemed this for our followers.
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That's great, thank you for the resteem.
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I love posts like this. So difficult to find people and content. Articles like this simplify things wonderfully. Also, I wrote that article for you, finally: https://steemit.com/homesteading/@ecoknowme/sooo-your-bees-want-to-do-mushrooms-advice-for-bee-keepers-from-the-ecoknowme#@professorbromide/re-ecoknowme-sooo-your-bees-want-to-do-mushrooms-advice-for-bee-keepers-from-the-ecoknowme-20170723t115845940z Cheers @pennsif hope if comes in handy, I can get into specifics later if you want better details. For now, just a bit of info to start with.
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Hi @ecoknowme, yes I read the bees and mushroom post this afternoon - excellent material. Just given the post a resteem as that information really needs to get out there. Thank you.
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Thanks for this post! I think its a great idea to help those just getting started get there name out there. You must have put a lot of time into it!
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Hi @knowledge-seeker. It takes a bit of time to research and compile but it is interesting. And I follow everyone on the list so I get to see a lot of new content from new creators all the time.
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Definitely worth an upvoted and a resteem :)
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Thank you.
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Thanks again for adding me to your list, so awesome! 😃
If you want to add @medic8553 that is my other half and he will be posting more/most of our timber framing in detail, right now he is mostly resteeming my posts but he has made a few of his own and will be making more of his own within the next few weeks when we are back out of the bush.😊
Upvoted and Resteemed😃
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You're welcome. @medic8553 is also now on the list. Look forward to hearing more on your progress from both of you.
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We would like to be added to the list of homesteaders and preppers. In Florida. Thanks mother2chicks . 🐓🐓
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You're on the list now. Thanks for dropping by.
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Ok great! Thanks for adding us to the mix. 🐓🐓
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You're welcome.
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AH! Someone I know is here! Hello Mother Hen!
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Wow that is awesome to see the list growing! Thanks so much for continuing to update with newcomers.
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You're welcome.
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Hey there! I just wanted to inform you that your article has been included and linked in the most recent issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Please check it out if you have the time! Thank you and have a great day!
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That's great, thank you.
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Thanks for your hard work and continued sourcing of like minded individuals on Steemit! Also, thanks for helping to spread the word about the SteemitHomesteaders slack community. It's growing more each day, thanks to people like you taking a moment to share it.
Add @clarkfarmstead to your list. They're in North Carolina, USA. They're homesteaders and preppers, too.
Thanks again, @pennsif !!!
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Hi @greenacrehome, happy to promote the SteemitHomesteaders slack community - it's a great idea.
Thanks for the location info on @clarkfarmstead - I had them in 'no fixed abode'. North Carolina is gaining ground on Texas and Florida now. Maybe we'll get Justin Rhodes on here soon.
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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Pennsif from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.
If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.
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Thanks for keeping all of this information together @pennsif. I hope my contributions to the community continue to be of value. I've just noticed that although I use the "prepping" tag I haven't been using the "homesteading" tag variants. Perhaps I should adopt that too.
Thanks again.
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Hi @nolnocluap, I commonly use both homesteading and prepping as tags - unless the post really is prepping specific.
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Thank you for adding Alaska to the list and taking your time to provide a great service.
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You are welcome.
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Thank you
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Great list and will be good for networking. I looked and was like: hey, where am I?
So.....I joined THL(thehomesteadlife) group....is this another group? How do I join?
And I will make #4, I think, on the Michigan state list.
Thanks again,
✌ Peace
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Hi @em3. This is just a list to encourage networking amongst homesteaders and preppers. THL is different.
I have now added you to this list. Thank you.
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I appreciate it!!
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Be careful @pennsif ^^ this fella likes rawks ;-)
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!!! Hey Bonsai!!
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This looks like a great group of folks. Please include me on the list. Thx.
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Hi @greyman, are you a homesteader or a prepper, or both? Which country are you in. I can't find an intro post on your profile page.
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I am a prepper and a homesteader wannabe. I am in USA - CA (that's the wannabe part; got get outta here first).
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That's great, you're on the list.
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Thank you for helping the prepping community to connect with one another. I follow the #preppers hashtag and wherever @preppers upvotes, I upvote as well.
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Thank you, much appreciated.
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Christian who won't take the mark of the beast here...Bug out bag ready!!
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Nice to meet you.
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I would like to be added to the list..I'm in Oregon. Thanks
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Hi @amber2day, are you a homesteader or a prepper or both?
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hi sorry it took so long to reply, I've was locked out and now I'm back again. I've always been a prepper and I'm a former homesteader 15 yrs.
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That's a lot of homesteaders! :D It would be nice to have the list sorted by folks that are actually active. I notice that some folks haven't been active for a couple months or more. It's a great list! Thanks for putting it together!
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Hi @haphazard-hstead, I've been looking at active v inactive. Currently over 74% on the list have posted in the last 7 days. I discussed this more in a recent post :
As a long-timer on steemit I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you.
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I'll go take a look at that! Thanks for the heads-up!
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This post got a
% upvote thanks to @geordieprepper - Hail Eris !Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you @geordieprepper
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Great! Thank you for taking the time and listing all the homesteaders!
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You are welcome.
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Oh Crap ! How am I going to find the accounts not in my following? LOL
I'm making a notepad list today, so it no longer happens, and I can do a duplicate search for the missing people :-)
Good thing I have lots of time on my hands.
Maybe you have 1 already, so I'll wait for a reply.
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Hi @codypanama, interesting problem.
I wonder if I could mark somehow the newcomers to the list each time? I'd have to think of an easy way to manage that though.
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Your list must be in a text type file with markdown ( maybe )
If you posted that file on a storage site would be cool.
I just Did a copy of your complete list here and pasted to notepad.
Next time you post a list I'll do the same and run it through a duplicate line finder and it will give me a list of all original lines, that will be my new list of people to follow.
Life is good
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Just a simple text file like notepad would work.
With that you can do a duplicate check,
I'm just waking up, so I'll see what I can put together in a bit and get back to you
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I think the nearest thing we have to a homestead in England is a smallholding? Basically very small and often very diverse farm with or without house attached to it? Do we qualify for the group membership? Mine is 10 acres plus extra rented grazing here and there. I keep sheep, poultry rare breeds, goats and rhea
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Great work getting everyone together like this!
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