Weekly Homestead Photography - Landscape - PFC's Entry

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here is our entry to the weekly homesteading photography contest being run by @knowledge-seeker.

This weeks theme is about landscapes on the homestead.

Sadly we don't live on the homestead in the picture anymore. This image is from 2015 when we lived in our yurt for about 10 months. We have been wanting to put it back up since we had to take it down.

And as fortune would have it we are currently in the process of building a deck on our newly new homestead to do just that. If the rain will stay away that is.

Yurt Life. South Central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 2015nowhere yurt El Dunn watermark.jpg

The artwork on the signpost was created by a South American WOOFER who was staying with our landlords for a time. It was part of the decorations for a music festival that happened onsite.

Living in the Yurt was great and we learnt lots. Mainly that shade is a must, especially in Hawkes Bay dry summer heat.
Here are some other pics to give you a better impression of our homestead from yesteryear.

Enjoying some Homebrew Plum Wine on the back 'patio' with a good friend.

Halfway through making a living Willow arch.

Morning view from the front door.

Pirates at home.

Building the deck.

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I really enjoyed these photos and getting to see some of the improvements you've been making. That photo of the morning view looks like it could be a painting. Its a great view with the rolling hills, trees, and fog. Great Job!

Thanks. As it happens Wench did do a painting of that exact view. :)