The benefits of guava

in homesteading •  7 years ago 


Helo guys at this meeting I will tell you the benefits of guava. Guava is one of the most popular fruits in the whole country including Indonesia and very easy to find. Some important ingredients in guava such as minerals and vitamins can nourish your body. Even guava has a high vitamin C content

These are some of the benefits of guava.

The first benefit, Jambu is a fruit that can boost your immune system. Because cashew contains vitamin C

The second benefit, guava is useful as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevent tumor growth.


The third benefit, because guava contains antioxidant substances namely flavonid and fitonutrien, then this fruit is effective to prevent cancer

The fourth benefit, Guava has amazing benefits to keep blood pressure. Because guava contains potassium is beneficial to protect your body

The fifth benefit, high content of antioxidants in guava able to neutralize free radicals and prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress causes premature aging.


The sixth benefit, fiber content in guava serves as a natural remedy for diabetics.

The seventh benefit, Guava contains vitamin A, an essential nutrient for improving skin health

The eighth benefit, this is the last benefit I know. The content of vitamin A in guava once again able to prevent eye infections and eye diseases.

Those are some of the benefits of guava that I know may be many other benefits that I do not know. Ok guys that are some of the benefits of guava may be useful for us all.

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