Got several things accomplished today. Mostly small things but accomplished non the less. For one, I got a mineral feeder tray put inside the girl sheeps shelter. I kept forgetting and they haven't had any minerals since I moved them to their new area.
I checked the baby bunnies several times today and they seem to be doing really well now that they're in their boxed area. Nice, fat, round bellies full of milk and everybody cuddled up together.
I also repaired one of the baskets that I have hanging off the railing of our front porch. The one I repaired had a whole in the side and was leaking soil. This is what it would have looked like. (But without the leak.)
The previous fabric was burlap but it degraded really fast so this time I'm using landscape fabric. I still need to finish filling it and trim the excess fabric. I will probably be planting thyme in this one. The other three have catnip (previous picture), lavender and sage.
Lastly, I cut a path to start fencing off a bigger area for the girl sheeps. They've already chewed down most of the small area they have now. So it's definitely time to expand them.
Tomorrow I will probably bring over the mower and get the cut down as low and I can to make sure nothing touches the electric wire. I also plan on weeding some of the garden beds and starting to clear the extra weeds around the beds. But we'll see how much energy I have and how hot it gets. Or if it rains. Again. I know during the summer I'll be complaining that there's no rain. But why can't it just be in moderation all year? Oh well. You get what you get.
So, it's getting late and past my bedtime. Take care all and have a nice night.