Help! What do you do with frozen eggs? [VIDEO]

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

So, apparently, one (or more) of our chickens decided to start laying eggs outside of the chicken coop. And we were completely unaware of this fact until this afternoon. Now, we have a whole bunch of frozen eggs on our hands. So the question is:

What do you do with frozen eggs?

Any advice? Anyone have this happen to you before? What did you do with them?

Thankfully it has been a much colder than average time here in Missouri, so the eggs did not spoil or anything like that. However, the freezing did cause them to crack (as you can see in the video).

Any advice from your experience would be great!

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When I find them frozen, and since they don’t always lay in the nesting boxes, I find them that way regularly, if they aren’t cracked, I just put them in the fridge and let them thaw and they’re as good as new. If they’re cracked, and I’m pretty sure they’re clean, I let them thaw, crack them and freeze them.

If you freeze them indiviually you can take them out one at a time and let them thaw in a bowl and use them like you would a fresh egg. You can beat them before you freeze them, but I freeze them with the yoke intact. After they’re thawed they can be fried like a fresh egg or separated for baking and other recipes.

If I’m cocerned about something contaminating the egg through the crack, I thaw them and scramble them up for the dog or the chickens.

Hope that helps!

Yes! This is extremely helpful. I wanted to use them, and didn't see any harm in doing so, but I wanted to check with the other homesteaders on here to see what they know. Thanks much!

I saw a YT video recently that said you could either poach in the shell, hard boil them or just keep them frozen til you need them. They might be a little more watery after freezing. Scrambled eggs was recommended, if I recall correctly, for the ones thawed after being kept frozen.

Yup, gotta love Off Grid with Doug and Stacy! Such a wealth of information!!

Here on our farm they would go to the pigs or dogs as a treat and right back into the farm.
If they are clean not cracked and do not float in cold water they should be good to eat.

I do what lacostas does. We feed them to our pigs or feed them back to the chickens. This time of year the chickens could use the extra energy to help stay warm.

I was wondering the same thing! We usually give them to our dogs, but after reading these comments, we may just use them ourselves. I'm so glad you asked! :)