Success with Miss Imma

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

So Miss Imma has been sitting to long and grouchy might be an understatement.

Slipped the camera in this morning for a peek and....


It's OK I don't like getting my picture taken either! Haha

But I think she's happy now.

And I can see this kid is gonna be a handful.

She was such a dedicated broody I wanted to make sure her efforts were rewarded to encourage her to set in the future.

When your off grid homesteading heat lamps are a no go. They just burn to much electricity!

A broody like Miss Imma can help save your flock by sustaining the flock through reproduction. It is a healthier way for the chicks to be introduced to the world and to the flock.

A lot less work for you, moma chicken does all the work!

So to us Miss Imma is a real blessing.

And who doesn't like baby chicks!?


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