Flowers Starting with the Letter "E" from Around my Gardens by Sunscape

in homesteading •  5 years ago  (edited)

e 5 erigeron seaside daisy.jpg
Erigeron Seaside Daisy

Here is another grouping of flowers from my gardens. These are starting with the letter "E". Enjoy my photos and have a great day everyone.

e collage.jpg
Echinacea English Coneflowers

e 7 Ear-leaved tickseed.jpg
Ear-Leaved Tickseed

e epimedium collage.jpg
Epimedium Rubrum - Bishops Hat

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English Wild Rose

e english rose.jpg
English Red Roses

tucker eyes.jpg

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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