Built Nearly Free Pallet Wood Chicken Tractor

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

I build a chicken tractor for only $8 by using free recycled pallet wood from crates. Now my birds can eat fresh grass and bugs in relative safety of the chicken tractor.

I am sharing our videos from the time we moved to our new homestead to the present. When I catch up, I will continue on with our daily videos and articles as we make them.

I haul pallets and crates home to use the wood on projects. I have built fences, paneling and more out of pallet wood through the years. You can also make beautiful crafts out of pallet wood if you plane it down to expose the clean wood and colors inside.

I used 2x2 and 1x3 lumber from a couple crates I got for free. These were most likely used one time to pack garden tractors or equipment.

I used the air powered stapler for this project to make it go together faster. The staples are perfect for this job.

I put a pole across the middle for the birds to roost on.

This is the perfect size for our little chicks or 4 to 5 adult chickens.

This is only a day pen for now. The birds go into their chicken coop at night. We haul them out for the day and put them to bed at night.

During the day the worst predators are hawks from the sky.

Watch the video here:

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That's awesome!!
It's amazing the things you can make with discarded, or cheap, pallets.
Bet your chickens love it too!

This is being serious here!
This is an educational video of what can happen if you let morons wild.
This will be posted everywhere from now on!
Troy has upset me for trying to hide my comments!
Please donate to the old lady that owns the land for the clean-up operation after Troy was evicted because he couldn’t make the land payment!

I love the large yellow forklift battery in the back of Troy's beloved Chevy dump truck. Moron Troy had out-gassing forklift battery in his truck bed for 4 months for traction over winter. The acid fumes greatly accelerated RUSTING and totally rusted out the trucks frame beneath the bed which killed the truck. Did it to myself Troy strikes again!!! It was vandals and trolls, right Troy? Hahahahahaha

is that donations for the old lady that the members of .sucks stalked and harassed for over a year ?
you must have guilty feelings

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yes, pallet wood has a beauty once you clean it up. You can do so much with it.

And the chickens were so happy. They were hopping on and off the roost I put there for them. Eating bugs and scratching at the fresh greens.

Since when have you become the judge of chicken happiness. Is it the ones that don't starve to death should be happy?

Oh, chickens have a way of communicating, didn't you know?

Our birds have 24 hour access to healthy NatureWise food, plus garden scraps and they get to range in the yard every day for bugs and vegetation.

Yes, they are quite happy.

You know, a starving chicken wont feed us very well. So we keep our birds well fed and happy.

Thank you for your comments.

Have a nice night :)

A chicken has an IQ of less than 10 so now I understand why you can communicate with them so easily. What you are confusing for communication is excitement of possibly being fed and watered. Your cruel chicken death toll is evidence.

Oh, I kill them quite fast really. One chop and its over.

true, since his mail order bride came there have been fewer chicken deaths from neglect and starvation

Yeah, since there never was any before.

But interesting none have been slaughtered anymore by people vandalizing the property.

Michigan has been a bit quieter.

would those chickens be the ones in the video on liveleak
which has been saved to show the lies about it

How many times were you dropped on your head as an infant?

Troy says “During the day the worst predators are hawks from the sky.” No, the worst predator for any chicken on Troy Reid’s property is Troy Reid. Hawks are hunters and kill their prey for a reason. They don’t let their prey die from neglect. Hawks don’t capture 25 live birds and cram them into a tiny concentration cell like Troy Reid does.

Well, you have part of that right. We are eating the meat birds that we raise this year.

Thank you for your wonderful comment.

Have a great night :)

Let's see what happens when real winter weather gets here. Everyone knows the weather now is T-shirt weather for Mr. Wilderness Homesteader. The thing I do not understand is why is Mr. Tshirt wearing a nice warm sweat shirt in the On Grid A-frame? A person would think it would be quite warm with having a 1 month old. How are you heating? It is not wood.
When winter hits it will be more chickensicles due to malnutrition and dehydration.

Thank you for our concerns and comments.

Have a nice night :)

what the chickens in this video that liveleak saved to show the truth about how they were badly treated and their living conditions


Well done Troy.

Thank you. And the chickens loved it too :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

Being a lazy worthless unemployed scammer is frowned upon by most of the civilized world.

Well then you should get a job. Help the world a bit.

Have a nice night :)

Nah its easier to report your actions to the IRS and ICE I figure by next week you should hear something from either one of those federal agency's.

And just to piss you off further I am doing it and not seeking a reward, but sleep well and remember what that mattress feels like cause you only get a cot in prison.

Your going to be in there so long that chriss's daughter will be driving by the time you get out. .

Thank you for showing the World the true intentions of your group of "good people".

So this person is trying to get my innocent wife deported just after we had a new baby.

I have committed no crimes but that wont stop them in their attempts at destroying us.

Thank you for being so open about your agenda now.

That seems fair!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

He does not think that applies to him, thats why he steals from everyone every chance he gets.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice job!

Thank you

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I need to build one of those thanks for sharing troy

Happy you like it. It was fast, easy and super light to move around.

Troy are you using your 5 finger discount like you did when you were in PineBush NY?

How much stuff did you steal?

Now I have no idea what you are talking about. If I was guilty of even a tiny fraction of the crimes you claim, I would be in prison serving 100 life sentences.

But I am clean. My record is clean.

Anyone can do a search for themselves.

So we will post the old video where you found blue pallets and let the kind people of steem it make up their mind about your 5 finger discounts, all they have to type into google is blue pallets and that says everything, that they are rented and never sold, but people like troy Reid drive behind companies like Agway in NY and steal the pallets, never asking just using your 5 finger discount.

Those were put out of service. You guys called them again and again in attempt to get me in trouble. NOTHING happened.

You guys are really sick.

Get a hobby.

Steem it is now my hobby, and thank you for telling us about this place the people are really nice here.

Soon they will turn on you after they learn the truth about your animals abuse and killing "Joy ' the dog

Joy, the dog is alive and well. And yes, I kill for food. Oh the horror.

Anything else you say is just lies and cannot be proved because it is not true.

Thank you and have a nice day :)

You need to prove that Joy is alive your word means nothing, lets see the proof, that would make a awesome video... imagine the views you would receive.

I'm calling your bluff you will not show her cause we all know you planted her in a hole in PineBush NY

You guys had me harassed so badly that I had to give her to another family. And you know that because its on your beloved forum

Oh boy. You never stop. You know I cannot prove she is alive because she is in New York and I am in Michigan.

Show even a thread of evidence she is dead.

Come on - show the unedited video proof of a dead dog on my property.

Or shut up!!!