Garden update- Bees, Watermelon and Purslane

in homesteading •  6 years ago 

Happy Monday everyone. I had some time to walk around the garden before the rain starts, and things are looking good. The front of the garden has all of our herbs. The oregano has started flowering and was completely filled with bees. We saw honey bees, bumble bees, wood bees and a few we didn't recognize. I was only able to get a couple pics of them because they were moving around so fast.





The middle section of the garden has all of our "patches". Pumpkins, watermelon, squash and anything else that needs open space to grow. I was pleasantly surprised to see the watermelons this big. The plants are only about a foot and a half long, but the fruit is almost the size of softballs.

These are 2 different kinds of watermelon. The top variety is Sugar Baby and the lower pic is Crimson Black.




Considered a weed by many, Purslane has many great health benefits. It's a part of the succulent family and you can tell by looking at the puffy leaves.


This stuff covers the floor of my garden. It grows wild and expands rapidly. Most people pull it and consider it a weed. It is very edible and tastes good. I munch on it when I'm out walking the garden. The whole plant is edible raw or cooked.

Here are some Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits about Purslane.



I hope you enjoyed the garden update today. More to come shortly.

If you have any interest in your financial future, come talk to the folks over at #steemsilvergold. They will get you headed in the right direction.


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Funny we both posted Purslane?! It’s a good thing it’s pretty and apparently tasty (I’ll try a bite today while doing yardwork) because it is incredibly hard to get rid of! I’ve started letting it be groundcover to protect the dirt. What color flowers does yours produce? Mine are yellow. Most pics on the Internet were pink. I wonder if different colors have different flavors? 🤔🌼🌸

I think last year they were yellow and white. It is crazy that we posted about it at the same time. I'm going to be doing more articles on edible weeds in your yard/garden soon. Been taking to many vacations lately. Thanks for stopping by @pretty.dorky. :)

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That is one great looking watermelon @vgholdingsllc! We have never had to much luck with them, but the funny part is we found a random plant growing near our house and it has a half way decent sized melon it. Haha! I also found the info about purslane to be very interesting. Great Job!