Spring Seed Time: Homestead Photography Contest Entry

Time again for the Homestead Photography Contest by @knowledge-seeker

IT'S WEEK TEN, Y 'ALL - Spring Seed Time is the theme


Here's what I've got - there's a bunch of seeds that are sprouting, and still a bunch that are being shy and aren't quite ready to show their faces. The star of the show here are Sweet Peas, all front and center, with some lettuces on the right hand side.

Wanna play along? Then hop to it!
Click here to read the instructions and most importantly, have fun =D

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Aww man I gotta plant some peas!
The snow wont be melted fast enough for them peepers... maybe I really should start them inside. HMMM.

Thank you for your entry, its lovely!

yup yup, get 'em started inside - you know you can't wait any longer!!!


You got a nice early start, and they're looking healthy; great set-up!

thank you! some of them are starting to flop over, which is my hint to pinch them back & get ready to transplant them.

You just planted 0.11 tree(s)!

Thanks to @skycae

We have planted already 3903.20 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20745.02
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

I think you have done a very good job with your entry. I liked how it looked like you re-purposed the plastic lettuce containers. We have done that before and it seemed to work well. Great Job!

thank you so much! they're still growing and are almost poking out over the edges now. it feels like it's taking longer than 2-3 weeks for these "baby greens" but that's ok. it's still technically winter and it's still a little chilly at night.