Writing Homework

in homework •  3 years ago 

This is a brief introduction to Andres life, it is based on a true story and altho it my appear like he is just a spoiled brat doing drugs and hooking up with major male figures in Colombia like actors, rich men and politicians, it is more like a self-discovery story to the depths of his mind and here it goes the earlier years:

His name is Andres, he is a 30 year old gay artist from Colombia, art was in his veins but it's very recently that he started to pursue his career and really believe in myself, he was born in a very traditional, strict, frigid and catholic family.

¿His background? International, he've lived in Canada, Mexico, Spain and just recently moved to New York, to study Arts. Those years living in Spain gave him the opportunity to discover Europe and made friends from all over the world, during that period he dedicated his life to the art of business and marketing, he never really knew what he wanted and art was never a possible option for himself, it didn't even crossed his mind so he decided to find something for himself in what everybody else around him were doing. His female friends were getting married to rich men and his male friends were doing finance or politics, he was gay and in the closet so he wasn't doing neither politics or economics. Hi secret boyfriend at the time, was a politician studying economics, oh the irony, he is 4 years older than him and up to this day he reminds in the closet, ¿why does politicians always have to be so problematic?, it is both sad and pathetic but he will remind in the closet his whole life, hating himself and regretting everything in his life just like Andres did when he was 25, the year he decided to came out of the closet with his very traditional and at the time very strict & frigid parents, oh yet more trauma.

He decided to study business which basically meant he didn't know what to study and wanted to stay close to his at the time lover, in an very dramatic but very enlightened relationship sort of marriage, except it wasn't, because they both were in the closet so he couldn't move in with him and receive money like the rest of his friends, just kidding, studying business also meant going partying every single weekend to Mexico City where he stood with either one of his at the moment best friends, where later on in life, he discovered there were some feelings going on without him knowing, which brought him a confusion because at the moment he would probably loved back one of them but nowadays he is just very disgusted by them and that's all I will said about that. While he was studying business, he went to Spain for the first time and fall in love with that country, at the time he was on and off with hi boyfriend, they were supposed to go together but the relationship turned so bad and complicated at the end so he went to Spain alone. At some point he was even scared of his damaged ex-boyfriend who liked to get very aggressive, damaged people are not bad, Andres is damaged himself, but it is very hard to deal with someone who doesn't accept who he is and hates himself, that can make everybody else around them a living hell.

He was in heaven and earth, their relationship was so intense, just the way it is when you are 18 and you find love for the first time in your life, he also was in a place where he thought he was the only gay around. He knew he wasn't the only one, He knew the driver and the gardener were gay because he hooked up with both and some taxi drivers after getting super drunk and horny while he was out clubbing.

Andres started clubbing when he was 13 years old, drinking when he was 14, smoking weed when he was 17, cocaine when he was 18 and other chemicals like ketamine, LSD, xtasys, mdma, speed, GHB and poppers when he was 24, and from there the list goes on. Nowadays he quitted all that, he only does mushrooms and weed, because it relaxes him and makes him aware, he likes to meditate with them but that's not the point. He didn't even like some of them at the time, He is not against drugs but his experience is being rough and it also helped him expand his consciousness but these are tools and they deserve respect and be used mindfully, before exploring drugs, explore yourself he said. Andres feels like humans will do whatever and take whatever just to not be with themselves: smartphones, streaming, tv, food, sugar, sex... everything is a drug if you do it for the wrong reasons, everything is a medicine if you do it consciously, respectfully, mindfully... if you are really present and living the experience, not avoiding feelings or escaping reality, that will never be the way.

As I was saying before, after studying business between Colombia and Spain, he got a job because of contacts of his parents in one "prestigious" international colombian company that he couldn't care less, that was after living in Valencia and just the thought of being in Colombia made him feel sick to his stomach.

Canada was alright, he went to a private catholic school so it was basically the same as Colombia but with bears, trees and snow, at that age he didn't care much for anything so he was happy to be somewhere else, by the time he was living in Canada he assumed his macho heterosexual fake personality so much that the first week of school, he hooked up with 2 of the most notorious girls at school. Canada was a lot of drama, most of his school hated him because the gay kid who wasn't even at that school anymore because he graduated 2 years earlier, hated him.

When he moved to Spain all he wanted to do was partying, dance and have sex.. he met all the major Spanish nightlight scene and believe me it is huge, there are djs, actors, producers, models, djs, djs, djs, artists and so all getting together to share and create.. no I'm kidding they are only getting together to get fucked up... he got really tired and Spain was starting to feel just uncomfortable for him too. He doesn't regret any of that, ¿do you know why? Because after almost 2 years with depression, major anxiety, being in psychologists, yoga, exercise, organic diets, meditation workshops, congratulating himself from getting out of bed and most of all taking a break from the world, he discovered that he is an actor and he can use that as fucking inspiration.


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