The cause of homosexuality

in homosexuality •  8 years ago  (edited)

Sorry for my bad english but its not my native language

and this post is not to hurt no people, my respect to gays , i have many gays friends, this is only an explanation

The homosexuality is a consequence not a preference. 

when a man and a women have sexual intercourse, the sexual energy exchange each other, the man energy go to woman and woman energy go to man, this is the reason why in 40 years marriage, the husband and wife go to be similar in behavior, defects or way of speech ( profanities), in some cases the husband could appear like a brother of the wife. 

Well this is normal, but, when a man/woman has multiples sexual partners, his/her sexual energy go to adulterate , that is the reason of the word adultery in the bible. The sexual energy is in the spine, the kundalini or sexual energy is there , that adulterate energy not only have defects of behavior ( normal behavior) of the partners, pull the way of dress of the other sex, the sexual preference of the other sex, and change to homosexual

The people that born like gay , is by behavior in the last life before this . 

What do you think

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So you're calling homosexuality a defect that comes from the adulterous behavior of the parents? With all due respect, no. Just. no.

There is nothing wrong with gay, just with the people who think it's a negative thing, like you. There may be something wrong with you if you truly believe that a person becomes gay as a punishment or because their parents were sluts. That being said, there's nothing wrong with sluts either.

What is wrong is that your idea assumes that gay is incorrect somehow, without any evidence. Are slutty penguins responsible for gay ones, because there are recorded instances of homosexuality throughout the natural world. The only negative about homosexuality is having to deal with the violence, hatred, and alienation that comes with just being yourself and wanting to love whomever you want.

Finally, let's replace gay with Arab, or Hispanic, or Black and you'll see why your statement is not only ignorant, but dangerously so.

If you have children, please tell them to love everyone. If you choose to believe in a God, then let that god figure out who's right and wrong, and just try to love.

Good Luck

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

all cause has a consequence and all consequence has a cause, the luck isnt exist ... Kybalion , this is a consequence nor a defect, you only you have the consequence of your acts, nor your parents, not God, only you, and this is not your only life, you have 108 lifes.
In animal life there are cannibalism, and filicide and that is not the reason for say its normal in humans.
I only explain, i dont criticize,
I never say that homosexuality is an abomination like say in bible, i only say adultery is a biblical word. Not dangerous, ignorance is bad, if you like your life like you like its your life, i dont say you change your way of life.

A persons sexuality is not determined as a consequence for the parents previous sexual history.

You may think you're not criticizing, just explaining, but you are criticizing when you start the conversation by saying "people are gay because their parents had multiple sexual partners"

And no one said abomination but you, so clearly somewhere in that narrow perspective of yours, you think that.

In your original post above, you say that behavior defects are caused by the expenditure of kundalini energy in the spine.

So do you think that homosexuality is a defect?

No no no maybe its by my bad english sorry, one person is born gay because have many sex partners in the life before this, not by parents.

Correction: behavior defects like be loud, say profanities, or be obsessive are defects that pass from a husband to a wife when have sex intercourse, and its normal, but when have many sex partners you get the sexual preferences of the partner and way of dressing of the partner.
I hope you understand me

you think that i consider an abomination, but i have many bussiness clients that are gay and i wok without problems, more, i think that gays are more creative. Why when some person think different you think that is homophobic or hate gays?

When you say people are gay as a consequence, you're implying that if they hadn't behaved in some incorrect way in a past life, they'd be "normal" and Hetero. That is homophobic. That's like saying people are Arab because in a past life they ate cinnamon. It makes no sense and it is homophobic.

You don't need to be violent or mean to gays to be homophobic. Just like you can be a racist in your heart but not in the actual world.

He didnt say it is a defect. He atrributed to cause. There is a huge difference. He never mentioned the cause to be wrong either. You have tainted glasses

He insinuated that it's wrong by calling it a consequence. Also, he did say it was as a result of defective energy, presumably broken during all the boom boom in the past life.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If you hurt, you go to be injured, you kill, you go to be killed, if you use your energy with many sex partners, you change your sex preferences, all have a consequence. Or you think that you could have sex with anyone, and not have consequence?

The consequences for having a lot of sex happens in this life, not the next. Some of those consequences include sexually transmitted diseases or maybe interpersonal relationship issues. So no, I don't think having many sexual partners comes without potential consequence, I just don't buy that being gay is a punishment for having too much sex in a previous life.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

he consequences for having a lot of sex happens in this life, not the next.

How do you know

What's more likely? You have tons of sexual partners and end up with an STI, or you have a ton of sexual partners and wind up gay in your next life? Why is gay even on the table as a possible repercussion, as though it's somehow a bad thing to be avoided?

past life therapy, when you die , karma judges review your spine where is the sexual energy , and decide how do you born, in karmic judgement you ask by your good acts (Metatron), bad acts ( Sandalfon) your sexual energy (spine) and akashic registers.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I dont know why your last post has not a reply button so I answer here.

First, Both things are not mutually exclusive.

Second, my question was very specific. I state it again in case it was not clear, it seems it wasn't.

How do you know the consequnces of having multiple partners do not happen in a next life?

the entry to gay is sex, the departure is sex. You know with past life therapy , for example Bryan Weiss

Why you are born in usa and not arabian country? why? the people are born in the better site to pay that they have to pay or if they need to experience some that in all of his others life not experience. All people are all, sluts, kings, queens, nun, priest, rapist, killer, all and then we must pay all bad and receive good by good, the universe is fair.

and how is that a consequence of having too much sex? If you have too many sexual partners, and if that was wrong, the right consequence would be to come back unable to have sex. Instead, you're saying it's fine to keep having sex in the next life, but it has to be gay sex... Why? Is gay sex wrong?

is it wrong to be beggar? is it wrong to be crazy man? beggar is a consequence of excess of greed , all beggars were millonaires in the past life but waste bad his fortune, and the crazy man is the consequence of unbridled anger, are consequences, the bad behavior is allow oneself to be dominated by capital sins. In gay people is the lust that caused all.

about gay sex, what happen if you connect a 110v machine to a 220v electric current? you burn it right? same happens.

Putting up that image doesn't make you be right

damb, well there goes that shortcut

Sorry if i offended you, only its information.

Opinion, is the word you are looking for @miguel12 It's only information if it has some basis in fact. This is pure fantasy.

First off, previous life, next life are flawed assumptions. We only have evidence of this one life and we live it. If there was something before or there is something after, then it has eluded hundreds of years of inquiry and study and by now can effectively be said to be disproven.

Second off, you're talking about mystical energies like they are a real thing. They aren't they're a metaphysical concept that has no basis in reality. If these mystic energies were real we would be able to recharge by standing next to power lines and MRIs would either cure us or kill us. You don't mix energies when you have intercourse, you mix sweat, bodily fluids and pheromones whilst your brain is cooking up a powerful cocktail of neurochemicals to convince you that giving up the next 18 years of your life are worth the 30 or so minutes you're about to recieve. Plenty of partners cheat. Guilt is a choice people make. When they feel guilty about something then it messes with them. Humans are hardwired for promiscuity and polygamy. The most natural state of man is to have multiple diverse partners, it's an evolutionary strategy that worked extremely well for our species until we decided to get religious because a bunch of men wanted to stand around in dresses all day and make everyone else feel guilty for their homo-erotic thoughts.

Miguel12, if you genuinely hold these magical thinking beliefs then you really should take at least a basic course in science and learn about how we prove and disprove concepts. It opens you up to see the wonder and beauty that is all around you. Otherwise put up some sort of disclaimer saying "This is my religious belief", because belief only comes in two flavors, science and religion and only one of these is a path to knowledge, despite both sometimes leading to wisdom.

Thirdly, you attempt to explain a thing that frankly if you aren't living it then it's none of your business and I dunno about where you're from, but trying to explain a thing that doesn't need explaining, is considered offensive to pretty much all of western civilization.

Nothing about this was insightful, from either of you. I genuinely feel like my IQ dropped 5 points from reading this exchange. Thank you both.

how do you explain that many porn star, many Hollywood actors and actress are gays, are there a heterofobic thinking in Hollywood or they are heterosexual that change gradually to bi and then homosexual condition because have many sex partners?
An abnormal behavior is have more than 80 sex partners to change to bisexual first, the sexual energy is the more powerful energy that we have, we create another human being like us, you use bad your sexual energy and you have a consequence. If you are gay like a consequence is not luck, luck isnt exist, all have a reason to be. Not cromosomes, not a strict father, nor a rape. If you recieve a rape, is because you do a rape in another life and need to pay. Thats all, the universe is tremendously fair, the man is tremendously unfair because hide the truth and teach all wrong.

Okay, I think I get you now. You're saying

  • Hollywood is gay
  • Bad sexual energy leads to homosexuality upon reincarnation
  • rape victims have no one but themselves (in a past life) to blame

I'm no longer interested in participating in this conversation. Good Luck on Steemit

"The people that born like gay , is by behavior in the last life before this . "
Who says they born like gay? Any evidence? Prove it.
And who coined the "homophobia" term? (relax I know)
eg. almost people even don't know what represent "Antisemitism" ( right now there are more then 7 nations which spoke semitic language including arabs)

As an evolutionist and biologist I can't accept homosexuality as something normal, ....1500 species bla bla? yeahh and my dog sometimes is climbing up on my neck.. What represent the sexuality in nature? pleasure? wrong!

Good opinion, please ask gays if they were born or do in the live, good day. I think this post hurt someone and its not my intention.