in homosexuality •  2 years ago  (edited)

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What? You like it? I got more. 8/

Gay people have nothing to do with transgendered and queer+ since queer is a derogatory term applied to all sexual preferences outside heterosexual relations, so I don't see the need to embrace it as simple same sex, gay or homosexual is enough words to describe it, while transgenderism is picking sides in gender preference for yourself and enforcement of such choice on yourself, which I see more a private mental issue and not something as part of sexuality between two, or more in some cases, people. The + part in this Satanic LGBTQ+ with whatnot variations is generally understood as minor attracted aka the pedophiles. Well, that's just great. Pile it all together with natural two spirited people aka androgynous into one big pile of stinky shit.

Well, the same can be done with the heterosexuals, HMSSBTTPQOC+ for example: Heterosexual, Marital Sex Only, Sodomites (sex out of marriage), Bisexual, Transvestite, Transgendered (a guy who thinks he is a woman and goes through sex change can be then attracted to either man or woman, and since gay people are only interested in man and like being a man, thus transgenderism is more of heterosexual issue than gay), Polygamous, Queer (strange, there a plenty of strange straight people and sexual fetishes and perversions), O is for overpopulation breeders of the lowest intellectual and spiritual capacity humanity as it currently stands in my opinion, feeding it to Satanic death cult of Adrenochrome drinking elites, C is for criminals as is + at the end for Pedophiles of course, those dirty adult criminals attracted to minors of the opposite sex, don't tell me that's not a thing. Gross. So, it's all yours heteros, Congratulations!
Now, that this is out of the way and my mind...


The word queer entered the English language in the 16th century, queer originally meant "strange", "odd", "peculiar", or "eccentric", which can apply to heterosexuals as well.

This shows that it has more to do with behavior and attitude than personal sexual preferences and private, loving, consensual intimate relations between two people, or more such as polygamous and out of marriage, the latter is still considered Sodomy and sin as such according to the Catholic Church.

Besides the point that the reason Lord God has destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah not because they were all gay but because they were rude and hostile towards the guests of the city who happened to be the angels of Lord. In reality it was military situation during the war of eight, I believe, kingdoms, five mentined in Genesis 14, over control of the Jordan valley, with the loosing kingdoms armies stationed in those two cities. Abraham was sent by the Babylonian court, reportedly his father Terah was a prince in the court of Nimrod, to fight in that war, during which his nephew Lot was taken hostage.


"In Genesis 14, we read the account of a battle involving the King of Sodom. Many neighboring kings assembled their armies and attacked the city of Sodom, taking with them all of Sodom's goods and food, and kidnapping Lot, the nephew of Abram.

When Abram heard that Lot had been kidnapped, he gathered 318 trained men and, under the cover of night, attacked those who pilfered Sodom. Abram recovered all the stolen possessions, his nephew Lot, and others who had been kidnapped."*


"The Book of Genesis explains that during the days of Lot, the vale of Siddim was a river valley where the Battle of Siddim occurred between four Mesopotamian armies and five cities of the Jordan plain. According to the biblical account, before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Elamite King Chedorlaomer had subdued the tribes and cities surrounding the Jordan River plain. After 13 years, four kings of the cities of the Jordan plain revolted against Chedorlaomer's rule. In response, Chedorlaomer and three other kings started a campaign against King Bera of Sodom and four other allied kings."**


I am androgynous. We were here first as a matter of fact. I can procreate however I choose not to. My choice. Am last High Priest of Israel in my ancient line, about 3,000 yo. Am also hermaphrodite but that is another story.

Androgynous sexuality is closer to God than heterosexuality. You can't wave your Babylonian Satanic Khazarian Roman Bible as some word of God. The hell it is. It supports slavery too idiots. It is the work of Satan in order to make religions out of natural spirituality and sexuality of mankind. The Old and New Testaments are a lie. Plain and simple.

However even in that vile filth of a book there is plenty of proof that androgynous mankind is original and in the image of our Creator who happened to be also both male and female. Yes, there are only two genders, male and female, as in any other dichotomy, hot and cold for example, the two are extreme diametrically opposites of each other yet make up the whole complete unit, thus at the middle the opposites reconcile themselves into unity, hot and cold as warm, while male and female as androgynous.

Whereas if two beings are born in one body as often happens with the twins, it's called hermaphrodite, do it could be very complex combination of inherited traits mixed with developmental and environmental conditions along with personal preferences that are dictated by mental and physiological processes as well as spiritual.

It is first from the spiritual androgyny that the first original mankind (means both sexes as one) was created in the image thereof, Genesis 5:1-2 "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." So in this passage we get confirmation that the original man, aka Adam Kadmon, was androgynous Adam, both male and female as is originally described in Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." KJV

So, to follow the logic of mainstream Christian orthodoxy Jesus Christ has died for all your sins aside the unforgivable sin of denying God, and his sacrifice is full and complete for all ages, that may or may not depend on your Works of Mercy, aside of course if you are an average human being, the NT elaborates in details, "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

I got more, however I think enough is said for now and as food for thought. It was on my mind for some time to write this article in light of all that crazy WOK talk of Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Apostates agenda, which means that it is important to God, as am God's servant and High Priest. I want to end this Saturday's sermon with saying from St Paul, "Be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil." No matter what life throws at you, always remember to keep you love, truth, and peace.




It is World Wide and Rotten to the Core.
This has been going on for Decades...
Enough is Enough







Men are genetic mutation from women not the other way around as the Satanic bible will have you beLIEve.







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