Building a homestead...guinea fowl

in homstead •  8 years ago 

I think that the second type of bird that I would put on my homstead would proably be a few guinea fowl.    (the first would be chickens)

Guinea fowl are native to Africia, and when they firs hatch out of there eggs they are called Keets.  The Keets do not have developed feathers yet and they need to be kept at 95 degrees.  During this time they should be kept in the chicken coop, which they need to be kept ther for 6-10 weeks so they can learn where "home" is.

After the first ten weeks, they will just be like another one of your chickens.  Except they do a beter job at eating the bugs.

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Bug eating monsters but tge noise is deafining

I do not know how I would respond to the noise, but you said that they are good foragers?

OMG they ear every bug abd spider, tick roaches misquitoes, even small lizards, the run snakes away. You tube it.

Would they provide a person with a good amount of chickens?

I love guineas for eating the ticks!

How is the egg production for guineas?

I don't personally have them. I've heard the eggs are smaller...

Do you know if they lay an egg almost every day like a chicken?

I'm really not sure. I'd assume similar?