in homunculus •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hello Friends!

Today I will write about the alchemy creature known as : Homunculus and its origins

But first...

So I wake up and I take my breackfast and then I prepare my chickens "breakfast" as well (some seeds, corn and grain) .
I feed them as usual


And then I go to take some eggs and this is what I found:



It is a tiny egg with the other normal eggs . But why this thing happened ?

To get to the root of the problem we must go back to the past and this will take us thousands and thousands of years ago (even more) to the first humans who had seen this phenomenon.

They saw the tiny egg and they got scared ....and from that day on a lot of stories started....

Let us study this matter!

The official discovery wasn't documented only after some years, after all the miths and legends about it :

Paracelsus (1493–1541) wrote about it in his book "De natura rerum (1537)" where he outlines his method for creating homunculi:
...I will not write it in detail because I belive that some of you might actually try it...
But I can say that involves a horse.

The other authors wrote about it like :

  • Jābir ibn Hayyān
  • Count Johann Ferdinand von Kufstein, together with Abbé Geloni made real experiments
  • Dr. Emil Besetzny's Masonic handbook, Die Sphinx,
  • Thomas Browne's Religio Medici (1643)
  • Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein (1818)
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust, Part Two (1832)

Now we go in our times and find this video of one slavic person that seems to re-create the experiment with success :

Note: Please watch the video in detail to understand my next points

This person makes the experiment and shows a creature that seems to be alive. Now I am facinated about the occult and alchemy as well but let me explain something....
First the original experiments weren't bassed in alchemy, but in the Dark Arts, because people belived in a stronger power that can bring them money, power, revenge, and whispers about the future.
I will not give the exact creation of a homunculus because I want to remain family friendly but for the sake of logic and sanity I will describe the process
So the original process was made after the first egg of a new chickem was made.
A young chicken at the first egg it usually makes a smaller egg.(I will explain why don't worry)
You take that egg and put it into something while you say something (Warning this part I intentionally taken out)
After 90 days it will hatch but it will be weak and you will need to protect it so you must keep it in your poket close to you all the times. When the world is making less noise it will whisper the future to you.
In contrary to what people are thinking it doessnt eat ...food...it eats years that belonged to its master (that means you)

So alchemists took this text and tried to re-create their own version of a homunculus.
The word itself means a less of a human but more accurate it means a creature, or many parts of many creatures that together form something that resembles a human.
Personally I find no point in doing something like this ...at least in the original ritual the so called homunculus had a role to play in telling the future...but in alchemy it has no role to play.
Why create something that will only suffer?

Now I will explain from the science point of view!

First those people did not have the knowledge nor the technology that we have in our time like : a microscope.
Second it is not possible to create something from your own fluids (youtube video note) because of something called chromosomes.
You see... each animal has gone to a different stage of evolution and that caused mutation in chromosomes.
Each mutation influences the number of them, sex and many other things .
A chromosome is a packaged and organized structure containing most of the DNA of a living organism. Most eukaryotic cells have a set of chromosomes for example 46 in humans with the genetic material spread among them.
So in short we are build very different ...just try to imagine this:
you canot combine a hammer and the sky but you can combine a hammer and a nail .
So that means the video is fake and it was just a beautifull creation just to amaze people, but not real.

And finally my third point is :

  • A young chicken that has made its first egg a very small one did not create a homunculus.
    Causes of undeveloped eggs:
  • unfertilised egg
  • lack of calcium (in that case the egg is mushy)
  • the hem is sick (after 5 years the hem usually is not making healty eggs. Of course some hems still do, here is not a 100% rule)

So in conclusion my egg was just a unfertilised egg . But here is something I can share:

It is said that if you find an egg like this go towards outside and turn your back and then throw the egg over your head while making one wish. That wish will be a powerfull one!


I trown my egg and it landed vertical and it did not move. That was so strange and awesome in the same time!

I am Cynetyc and I approve this message!Cheers!

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Excellent post dear friend @cynetyc, very interesting, with a very good story, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful work

Thank you @jlufer ! I am happy that you loved it!