For centuries, honey has been readily available as medicine and as meal.Beekeeping is going back to 700 years ago. For a long time honey was based on the material of edible . In ancient times, honey was used in religious ceremonies as a material to honor the gods. They also used honey to mummify the dead. In addition, honey was used as a medicine and a device for make up. It has been written in history that for a long time only wealthy families could afford honey because honey was so expensive that the poor could afford it. Honey Prestige continued until refined sugar from sugar beet and sugar cane was discovered. As sugar production expanded en masse and was well-developed, it was able to make its place among the population. Due to people's interest in sugar, honey was substituted for sugar in cooking. However, honey is known as a sweetener But it is mostly used for pastry and medicinal purposes.(
About Honey
5 years ago by asilhoney (25)