How the Deep State and MSM hide news in order to use info they have on plants as blackmail. Why Bolton was Really Fired. Honeypot and Military Court Info.

in honeypot •  5 years ago 

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Do I condone Bolton's questionable lifestyle? No, at the same time, do I believe it is ride they hide actual Truth in order to hang it over someone's head? That IS the honeypot after all and people who fell prey Could have Chosen Not to partake in the Trap!

Was John Bolton a Traitor? Is he?

Let's look at information out there. This is a breakdown from SerialBrain2, if you would like to go directly to the video you can scroll to the bottom.

Here is the information in images,

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More information available at Scoop Independent in an article titled,
John Bolton's Divorce – Group Sex Allegations

Publisher Larry Flynt's Questions Posed to State Department Regarding Corroborated Allegations that First Wife was Forced into Group Sex go Unanswered

May 11-LOS ANGELES - Court records concerning the divorce of John R. Bolton, the Bush administration's nominee to become the next ambassador to the United Nations, show his first wife fled the couple's marital home when he was traveling abroad in mid-August 1982. The records further show that she took most of the couple's furniture.

Corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department despite inquires posed by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt concerning the allegations. Mr. Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. Bolton participated in paid visits to Plato's Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

"The first Mrs. Bolton's conduct raises the presumption that she fled out of fear for her safety or, at a minimum, it demonstrates that Mr. Bolton's established inability to communicate or work respectfully with others extended to his intimate family relations," said Mr. Flynt. "The court records alone provide sufficient basis for further investigation of nominee Bolton by the Senate." (Click here for court records). Mr. Flynt continued, "The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations must be free of any potential source of disrepute or blackmail."

See more in sources at the bottom.

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If this woman's testimony is true, I have No reason to doubt her so far. . .then This is Appalling!

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Some Interesting reads in here which Fit the story of Melody Townsend as far as the style of tactics used to threaten and shut people up, who had information that could expose the seedy dealings of this administration and their compromised advisors. Talk about Running a scam!

Bolton was the bait!

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Sept. 18, 2019 conversation between President Trump and Kansas. . .Bolton Failed the Security Test!

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There are More Pawns coming!

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All of their globalist and "climate change" agenda. ..Going to be Exposed and Brought down! #DarkToLight

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Because Trump has America First Policies Career Politicians, Elitists and Globalists work hard on this in an effort to go against Trump and We The People!

  • Protect Planned Parenthood (which makes them a great deal of profits due to using parts in research, vaccines, organ trade and stem cell profits) and give them a heads up on those trying to investigate like Project Veritas!

  • Try to keep the Iran deal and sabotage Trump's efforts to establish peace with Iran and North Korea.

  • Protect the Fed. . .the Globalists' and Cabal's money train

  • Protect Secret Societies and the bloodletting/Consumption (both literally and through trafficking).

  • Sabotage the Wall and Trump's policy on immigration As. . . stopping the flow of illegals means stopping Yet another money train for career politicians, elitists and globalists in high powered positions. . .

    Illegal drug running and cartels

    Illegal weapons trade just like Obama and Eric Holder's Fast and Furious

Child sex trafficking

Human trafficking

Blood, organs and body parts trade

Keep healthcare scam safe, create the problem, pass out prescriptions, allergy meds and inhalers. . .push more regulations and premiums forced on the citizenry to pocket more profits. Notice Obama's New Mansion in the Hamptons?

Keep citizens dependent on drugs. ..the drug war is really drug addiction perpetuated on the population

Illegal votes, just as were pushed by the DNC and the office Feinstein and Harvey Milk were connected to in San Francisco when they worked across from Jim Jones Temple. . .which was a Cult that bragged about Bussing the Illegals in across the border to get Democrat votes. All verified.

See this link if not familiar,

  • Sabotage Trump's Foreign Policy and the U.S./Russia relations

  • Protect their assets in the Supreme Court (their plants have blackmail they can hold over their heads)

  • Provide the cabal with intel on discussed and possible strategies

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Taken from here,

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Go here to see more information,

I will be breaking this painting down in a connecting article.

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Would you hang this painting up in your home where you have children?

Here is the video of SerialBrain2's breakdown. The Off Road Jaunt I went off on concerning Afghanistan and 9/11 connections have document links in sources below.

Please let me know what you think of the cabal's plans and all that has transpired. What are your thoughts on John Bolton, his actual past and connections and activities. Is he a Traitor?


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Are you saying John Bolton was blackmailed? Of course, a lot of people are. Is Trump trying to drain the swamp. Yes.