RE: Report from the streets of Hong Kong

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Report from the streets of Hong Kong

in hongkong •  6 years ago  (edited)

Either real communism was never tried and cannot be by any form of collective, or it will always fail as it always has in the past.

Anarchism, OTOH, is practiced daily by everyone alive. I prefer the word autarch to anarch, because the fact is that we do rule ourselves, not have no ruler at all. We are persuaded betimes to dissemble and perform as instructed as we are necessarily required to choose our battles in order to survive.

It is impossible to not be an autarch, even subjected to tyranny. We can only be persuaded to comply, and tyrants cannot actually decide for us.

Freedom is our actual state, and always will be. Fortunately, our economic dependence on institutions is declining, due to advancing technology. Economic freedom is actual freedom, and decentralization as mandated by the laws of physics (that cannot be amended, appealed, approved or denied by politicians) is increasing our freedom daily.


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Anarchism, OTOH, is practiced daily by everyone alive. I prefer the word autarch to anarch, because the fact is that we do rule ourselves, not have no ruler at all. We are persuaded betimes to dissemble and perform as instructed as we are necessarily required to choose our battles in order to survive.

Completely agree!
The more I informed myself, the more I understood anarchy is the natural condition and all this bueaucracy (I'm from germany) is just forced upon us (idc if they call it freedom)
I value autonomy, voluntarism and free markets (for me anarchy)

and achieving this is not easy, cuz it start's in the mind (inner monarchy // outter anarchy) and we are all programmed to follow an authority (being autonom, thinking for urself isnt easy - jesus also failed to teach this and his followers made a new authority out of him)

idk much bout communism

I agree that we are winning against those that rule by force.
Communism has not been tried, if it had, we would already be doing our own things as if we were millionaires.
Using force makes it socialism.

I don't know if you look through the books I link, but they explain what I am saying better than I do, in some cases.
Professional writers and all.

The choice of die here, or get on the truck, is not an easy one to make.
Especially for folks that have been socialized into being lemmings.
Always doing what they are told.

They dare call it freedom,...

Well, if using force makes communism into socialism, then it is impossible for communism to ever be practiced by collectivism. Every collective depends on force, as does all government by institution. Given my understanding of personal agency, I have never given communist screeds much shrift, as they invariably attempt to combine freedom and collectivism, which is impossibly contradictory.

If decentralization of means of production enabling economic independence of free individuals and the elimination of institutional power and force projection is communism, then I'm all for it. If it involves any form of collectivism, I reckon it fantasy, and spend my limited attention on things possessing some relation to actual reality.

I am generally unconcerned with the opinions of lemmings, as I amn't one, and find the opinions of those using such of more concern. Evolution happens, and catastrophe from time to time demonstrates the futility of dependence on overlords. Those incapable of independent thought are impossible of salvation, and those dependent on cattle that cannot be maintained in times of resource scarcity dangerous to producers because they will make every effort to take what is produced when their cattle no longer provide it. Thus the latter need to be understood in order to be secure when inevitable conflicts arise.

Good people do not desire to be overlords. Only sociopaths are so psychologically disabled. Free people do not desire to be chattel. Free, good people must consider how to be productive separately from institutions projecting force, and secure from their depredations in all circumstances. All my posts and comments that aren't examples of my own failure to meet my standards are the result of that consideration.

Every knee shall bow for the grand solar minimum,...

Have you read this book?
I wasn't prepared to be a communist, but danged if I ain't.
I had already read the ancom giants, Goldman, Kropotkin, and Berkman, but nothing, up to the point of finding that work in paperback, had converted me.
Now I know.
THEY have kept this work from the conversation long enough, for me.
Utopia is possible, minus dumb luck deaths.
Rule by force is the disease.
Many wasteful deaths will occur if we haven't learned to cooperate before the sun goes micro nova, imo.

I haven't read it. Am now.

It's no wonder that book never made it to my scholastic reading lists.

1984 was taught in 11th grade scifi class.